Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#5988 NF fails with no error message during NFTyping.typeComponents when dealing with Buildings model Per Östlund defect blocker fixed
#5991 NF cannot evaluate structural parameter during NFTyping.typeComponents Per Östlund defect blocker fixed
#6203 Some parameters seem to be never assigned in Buildings models Per Östlund defect blocker fixed
#5850 The NF gives an error while checking a perfectly legal model Per Östlund defect critical fixed
#6188 NF Type mismatch in Buildings model involving redeclared class Per Östlund defect critical fixed
#6193 NFFlatten.flatten fails in Buildings models Per Östlund defect critical fixed
#6197 Issues with code generation in the Buildings library Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect critical fixed
#6206 The NF fails to evaluate expression in Buildings library Per Östlund defect critical fixed
#6359 Validation of a function with flexible array dimensions should not given an error message Per Östlund discussion critical 1.16.0 fixed
#5728 Wrong variability reported by NF Per Östlund defect high fixed
#6221 The NF ignores a redeclare statement in a record containing a replaceable package and a function call from it Per Östlund defect high 1.16.0 fixed
#6374 Issues with the NF in TILMedia Per Östlund defect high 1.18.0-dev fixed
#6400 Issue with algorithm and the NF in PNLib Per Östlund defect high 1.16.2 fixed
#6431 [NF] Crash in NFCeval.evalExp on model check Per Östlund defect high 1.18.0-dev fixed
#6442 Support array indexing by enumerations in the NF Per Östlund defect high 1.18.0-dev invalid
#6432 Variable not found in foriter loop scope Per Östlund defect normal v1.17.0-dev wontfix
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