Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#6040 Output variables changing name in FMU fmi-cross-check output assigned AnHeuermann defect low
#1822 Replaceable type cannot unify with itself typechecking new somebody defect high
#4307 OMEdit: Icon and Diagram: Silent give up on expression: "visible = useHeatPort" visible = useHeatPort Warning new adeas31 defect high
#4429 Builtin function cardinality is not implemented in Ceval.cevalBuiltinHandler cardinality. ThermoSysPro new adrpo defect high
#4500 Reinit of variables reinit , when new Jal Panchal defect high
#4555 Redundantly inherited parameters (diamond inheritance) appear multiple times in parameters dialog of instantiated model diamond, inheritance, parameters, dialog new adeas31 defect high
#5341 OMEdit claiming flowrate variable is not constant variable, constant, ThermoPower, translation, error new lochel defect high
#5351 HRSG Cloned Library Component / re-occuring pump error pump, flowCharacteristic, q_nom, head_nom, ThermoPower assigned casella defect high
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? ThermoPower, Rankine assigned adrpo discussion high
#5371 Heat Exchanger Model works & simulates but doesn't actually transfer energy to raise outlet temperature HE, results, simulation, FlueGas, Water, ThermoPower new lochel defect high
#5376 How can I simulate my models better and more specifically? HX, Heat Exchanger, Simulation new lochel defect high
#5897 OMSimulator header files missing in Ubuntu packages ubuntu package header assigned defect high
#6010 Get OpenModelica back into FMI Cross-checker fmi-cross-check assigned AnHeuermann enhancement high
#6041 Fix FMU dependencies with CVODE fmi-cross-check fmi cvode new AnHeuermann defect high
#6260 Error "Following variable is discrete, but does not appear on the LHS of a when-statement" error, discrete variable, when statement reopened perost defect high
#6284 When condition with dae mode when condition, dae mode new AnHeuermann defect high
#6017 FMUs don't export fmi-cross-check assigned AnHeuermann defect blocker
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