Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5574 Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic state selection new linear system of equations solver Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#3510 inline function assigned inline function Willi Braun defect critical
#6285 Minimal tearing failing for example from MSL reopened tearing, minimalTearing, linear system Andreas Heuermann defect critical
#4374 Wrong analysis of linearity due to missing jacobian new linear nonlinear analytic jacobian pre() Willi Braun defect high
#5256 Non-linear system iterations assigned non-linear solver, external function Francesco Casella defect high
#5717 OMPython linearize function not working correctly new linearize Alachew Mengist defect high
#5957 Failed to sole linear system of equations at time 0, system is singular assigned Solving linear system Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#6436 Segmentation fault with non-linear Newton solver new non-linear loop, newton Andreas Heuermann defect high
#4322 OMEdit: Improve commenting of folded lines - but how? accepted commenting folded lines Adeel Asghar enhancement normal
#5852 getCommandLineOptions fails with newInst new getCommandLineOptions newInst Per Östlund defect normal
#6273 linearization enhancement new linearization Rüdiger Franke enhancement low
#6402 Enable/disable Line Wrapping from editor context menu (right-click) new Line wrapping Adeel Asghar enhancement low
#6424 : two syntax errors assigned Linearized_model python arunkumar palanisamy defect low
Batch Modify
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