Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1099 closed defect (worksforme)

Elementwise Multiplication and Addition of matrices fails

Reported by: imke.krueger Owned by: imke.krueger
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Version:
Keywords: Cc: imke.krueger,


The following equations fail:

A =3* {{b1 2,b1 * b2,b1 * b3},{b1 * b2,b2 2,b2 * b3},{b1 * b3,b2* b3,b3 2}};

B={{b1 2,b1 * b2,b1 * b3},{b1 * b2,b2 2,b2 * b3},{b1 * b3,b2* b3,b3 2}}
2,b1 * b2,b1 * b3},{b1 * b2,b2 2,b2 * b3},{b1 * b3,b2* b3,b3 2}};

If I change it into

S = {{b1 2,b1 * b2,b1 * b3},{b1 * b2,b2 2,b2 * b3},{b1 * b3,b2* b3,b3 2}};



it works.

I am currently working with the nightly build for windows from March 2009.

edit: the same applies for the der()-operator.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 15 years ago

Closing this as it seems the code runs in the current trunk. If it does not, reopen the bug and provide a complete model that does not work since equations are not always enough.

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