Opened 18 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#124 closed defect (wontfix)

Compiling *.mof Files

Reported by: elsheikh Owned by: elsheikh
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Frontend Version:
Keywords: Cc: elsheikh, Adrian Pop


Change History (8)

comment:1 by elsheikh, 18 years ago

From the Manual "Open Modelica System":

$omc file.mof
should put the instantiated code from into file.mof. This does not work.

I do this
$omc > file.mof

From the manual:

$omc +s file.mof
should generate simulation code. This does not work either. Instead I get the
following msg:

$omc +s file.mof
[DynModelExam.mof:1:1-1:1:writable]: Parse error: unexpected token: fclass
#|Execution failed!
Execution failed!

p.s: I am using the latest version from the nightly build

comment:2 by fedebergero@…, 12 years ago

Component: Backend

I modified a little bit the dumping of flat modelica trying NOT to change the output if the +m flag is not present.
I'm attaching a patch if you guys want to include it in the trunk (or I can commit the change).


Index: Compiler/Template/ExpressionDumpTpl.tpl
--- Compiler/Template/ExpressionDumpTpl.tpl	(revision 16189)
+++ Compiler/Template/ExpressionDumpTpl.tpl	(working copy)
@@ -177,6 +177,9 @@
   case CREF_QUAL(__) then
     let sub_str = dumpSubscripts(subscriptLst)
     let cref_str = dumpCref(componentRef)
+    if Config.modelicaOutput() then
+    '<%ident%><%sub_str%>__<%cref_str%>'
+    else
   case WILD() then '_'
   else errorMsg("ExpressionDumpTpl.dumpCref: unknown cref")
Index: Compiler/Template/
--- Compiler/Template/	(revision 16189)
+++ Compiler/Template/	(working copy)
@@ -770,6 +770,9 @@
   function typeinfo
     output Boolean flag;
   end typeinfo;
+  function modelicaOutput
+    output Boolean flag;
+  end modelicaOutput;
 end Config;
 package Types
Index: Compiler/FrontEnd/
--- Compiler/FrontEnd/	(revision 16189)
+++ Compiler/FrontEnd/	(working copy)
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 // public imports
 public import DAE;
 public import Graphviz;
+public import System;
 public import IOStream;
 public import SCode;
@@ -3222,13 +3223,15 @@
     case (DAE.COMP(ident = n,dAElist = l,comment = c), str)
         str = IOStream.append(str, "class ");
-        str = IOStream.append(str, n);
+//        str = IOStream.append(str, n);
+        str = IOStream.append(str,  Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput(),System.stringReplace(n,".","__") ,n));
         str = IOStream.append(str, dumpCommentStr(c));
         str = IOStream.append(str, "\n");
         str = dumpElementsStream(l, str);
         str = IOStream.append(str, dumpClassAnnotationStr(c));
         str = IOStream.append(str, "end ");
-        str = IOStream.append(str, n);
+//      str = IOStream.append(str, n);
+        str = IOStream.append(str,  Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput(),System.stringReplace(n,".","__") ,n));   
         str = IOStream.append(str, ";\n");
@@ -3476,7 +3479,8 @@
     case ((DAE.WHEN_EQUATION(condition = e,equations = xs1,elsewhen_ = SOME(el), source = src) :: xs), str)
         sourceStr = getSourceInformationStr(src);
-        str = IOStream.append(str, "when ");
+        //str = IOStream.append(str, "when ");
+        str = IOStream.append(str, Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput(),"when ","when "));
         str = IOStream.append(str, ExpressionDump.printExpStr(e));
         str = IOStream.append(str, " then\n");
         str = dumpEquationsStream(xs1, str);
@@ -3488,7 +3492,8 @@
     case ((DAE.WHEN_EQUATION(condition = e,equations = xs1,elsewhen_ = NONE(), source = src) :: xs), str)
         sourceStr = getSourceInformationStr(src);
-        str = IOStream.append(str, "  when ");
+        //str = IOStream.append(str, "  when ");
+        str = IOStream.append(str, Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput(),"when ","  when "));
         str = IOStream.append(str, ExpressionDump.printExpStr(e));
         str = IOStream.append(str, " then\n");
         str = dumpEquationsStream(xs1, str);
@@ -3730,6 +3735,24 @@
       DAE.VarVisibility prot;
       DAE.InstDims dims;
       IOStream.IOStream str;
+    // Skip enums if modelica output
+    case (DAE.VAR(componentRef = id,
+             kind = kind,
+             direction = dir,
+             parallelism = prl,
+             protection=prot,
+             ty = DAE.T_ENUMERATION (source=_),
+             dims = dims,
+             binding = _,
+             source = source,
+             variableAttributesOption = dae_var_attr,
+             absynCommentOption = comment), _, str)
+      equation
+        true = Config.modelicaOutput();
+        str = IOStream.appendList(str,{" "});
+      then 
+        str;
     // no binding
     case (DAE.VAR(componentRef = id,
              kind = kind,
@@ -3745,7 +3768,7 @@
         sFinal = Util.if_(DAEUtil.getFinalAttr(dae_var_attr),"final ", "");
         s1 = dumpKindStr(kind);
-        s2 = dumpDirectionStr(dir);
+        s2 = Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput() ,"", dumpDirectionStr(dir));
         s3 = unparseType(typ);
         s3_subs = unparseDimensions(dims, printTypeDimension);
         s4 = ComponentReference.printComponentRefStr(id);
@@ -3771,7 +3794,8 @@
         sFinal = Util.if_(DAEUtil.getFinalAttr(dae_var_attr),"final ", "");
         s1 = dumpKindStr(kind);
-        s2 = dumpDirectionStr(dir);
+        //s2 = dumpDirectionStr(dir);
+        s2 = Util.if_(Config.modelicaOutput() ,"", dumpDirectionStr(dir));
         s3 = unparseType(typ);
         s3_subs = unparseDimensions(dims, printTypeDimension);
         s4 = ComponentReference.printComponentRefStr(id);
Index: Compiler/Main/
--- Compiler/Main/	(revision 16189)
+++ Compiler/Main/	(working copy)
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@
     case d
         true = Config.modelicaOutput();
-        print("DEPRECATED: modelicaOutput option no longer needed\n");
+        print("/*DEPRECATED: modelicaOutput option no longer needed*/\n");
     case ((d as DAE.DAE(elementLst = dae)))
Last edited 12 years ago by Martin Sjölund (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

Component: BackendFrontend

comment:4 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

Are you sure you didn't want to press WONTFIX, Lennart?

comment:5 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

That's up to you. :-)

comment:6 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Closing as wontfix because I don't see how it can be done currently. Maybe some front-end dump could be used to proceed. But it will not be the textual mof-file.

in reply to:  1 comment:7 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

Replying to elsheikh:

From the Manual "Open Modelica System":

Is this still in the manual?

comment:8 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

Probably. Tons of outdated stuff is in there. We should have the information in latex so we can easily comment out outdated sections.

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