Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#1372 closed defect (fixed)

instantiation of example using Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm fails

Reported by: Peter Aronsson Owned by: Peter Aronsson
Priority: blocker Milestone: White December
Component: Version:
Keywords: Cc: Peter Aronsson, Adrian Pop


This model fails to instantiate (using instantiateModel in a mos-file).

NOTE: this must be fixed also on OpenModelica-1.5.1-Maintenance branch!
{{{ model Test_Math_Matrices_norm

parameter Real A[:,:]=[1,10,1000;0.01,0,10;0.005,0.01,10];
Real x1;
Real x2;
Real x3;
Real x4;


x1=Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm(A, 1) "Should return 1020";
x2=Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm(A, 2) "Should return 1000.15";
x3=Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm(A, Modelica.Constants.inf) "Should return 1011";
x4=Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm(A) "Should return 1000.15";

end Test_Math_Matrices_norm;}}}

It gives this error message:
{{{ instantiateDaeFunction failed for Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm in scope: Test_Math_Matrices_norm

Attachments (2)

MathExample.mos (533 bytes ) - added by Peter Aronsson 14 years ago. (454 bytes ) - added by Peter Aronsson 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by Peter Aronsson, 14 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 14 years ago

The OM 1.6.0 error message has more information (too much, but that is only because builtin operators are special) :
{{{Error processing file:
Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: No matching function found for abs in component <NO COMPONENT>
candidates are function(x:Integer) => Integer

-function(x:Real) => Real

Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: Wrong type or wrong number of arguments to abs(A[:,i])'.

(in component <NO COMPONENT>)

Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: No matching function found for abs in component <NO COMPONENT>
candidates are function(x:Integer) => Integer

-function(x:Real) => Real

Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: Wrong type or wrong number of arguments to abs(A[:,i])'.

(in component <NO COMPONENT>)

Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: Wrong type or wrong number of arguments to sum(abs(A[:,i]))'.

(in component <NO COMPONENT>)

Users/martin/dev/trunk/build//lib/omlibrary/msl31/Modelica/Math/ Error: Wrong type or wrong number of arguments to max(result, sum(abs(A[:,i])))'.

(in component <NO COMPONENT>)

# Error encountered! Exiting...
# Please check the error message and the flags.

Execution failed!}}}

comment:2 by Adrian Pop, 14 years ago

Per looked a bit into it and here are his comments:

The problem is that elabBuiltinAbs fails, because elabCallArgs2 tries to 
call vectorizeCall which fails because it doesn't know how large 
abs(A[:,i]) is. This is of course because we don't instantiate functions 
with bindings on the input parameters.

I tried to allow elaboration of abs to simply generate a call to abs with 
the vector as argument, but that just caused a lot of other issues with 
other functions that couldn't handle unknown dimensions. I think the 
"right" solution would be to not vectorize calls inside functions when 
we instantiate them, but to do that when we elaborate a call to the 
function and knows the sizes of the input arguments (if we really 
need to vectorize calls at all).

I will look into this bug myself.

comment:3 by Adrian Pop, 14 years ago

I think i fixed this issue, but you might have to handle more things in your back-end:
abs/sum/max/min of unknown array size. Please check and let me know.
I also added a test for it, see SCM Commits.

comment:4 by Martin Sjölund, 14 years ago

No comments from MathCore for over half a year. I'm assuming it was good enough. I added the model as a regression test in OpenModelica and fixed some of the remaining codegen issues we had for this.

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