Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#1527 closed defect (fixed)

OMEdit problem with connections to 'Interface' components

Reported by: james Owned by: james
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Version:
Keywords: Cc: james, Adeel Asghar


In OMEdit, it is not possible to create a connection to an interface component (such as RealInput, RealOutput, PositivePin, Mechanics.Rotational.Flange_a etc)
It seems as if the component is not seen as a valid start or end for a connection, and happens for all interface components in all domains.

To reproduce this:
*Create a new model in OMEdit,
*add a Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput component
*add a Blocks.Math.Gain component (or anything else that has a real input)

Try to connect the RealInput to the Gain.u input - This is not possible

Also, where an existing model is loaded, which has a connection to/from an interface component, the connection is not shown in OMEdit's icon layer.

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