Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#1569 closed defect (fixed)

Bug of arrayDimension in daeExpArray

Reported by: Dongliang Li Owned by: Dongliang Li
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Backend Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc: Dongliang Li,


In the daeExpArray(shown following), when we use the method "listLength" to get the dimension of the array according to the information of "arrayDimensions" in ET_ARRAY, it (<%dimsLenStr%>) always just returns "1", but not the correct dimension. See example in the attachment, "" has an array dimension of "2", but the code generator returns "1".

template daeExpArray(Exp exp, Context context, Text &preExp /*BUFP*/,Text &varDecls /*BUFP*/,SimCode simCode)
 "Generates code for an array expression."
match exp
case ARRAY(ty=ET_ARRAY(arrayDimensions=dims)) then
  let arrayTypeStr = expTypeArray(ty)
  let dimsLenStr = listLength(dims)
  let arrayVar = tempDecl(arrayTypeStr, &varDecls /*BUFD*/)
  let scalarPrefix = if scalar then "scalar_" else ""
  let scalarRef = if scalar then "&" else ""
  let params = (array |> e =>
      '<%daeExp(e, context, &preExp /*BUFC*/, &varDecls /*BUFD*/,simCode)%>'
    ;separator=", ")
   let &preExp += ' multi_array<<%arrayTypeStr%>,<%dimsLenStr%>> <%arrayVar%>(boost::extents[<%listLength(array)%>]);
   <%arrayTypeStr%> <%arrayVar%>_data[]={<%params%>};
end daeExpArray;

Attachments (1) (553 bytes) - added by Dongliang Li 13 years ago.

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Change History (1)

Changed 13 years ago by Dongliang Li

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