Opened 11 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2349 closed defect (fixed)

Type coercion gives (ignored) duplicated modification error

Reported by: Henrik Tidefelt Owned by: somebody
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.9.4
Component: Frontend Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


The following model is inspired by a problem with the MSL example Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIMS_Start:

package DuplicateModification2
  record A "Compare Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Losses.CoreParameters"
    parameter Real y "VRef";
  end A;
  model B1 "Compare Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Utilities.ParameterRecords.AIM_SlipRingData"
    parameter A a(y = 0) "rotorCoreParameters";
  end B1;
  model B2 "Compare Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SlipRing"
    parameter A a(y = 0) "rotorCoreParameters";
  end B2;
  model C "Compare Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIMS_Start"
    B2 b(a = b0.a) "aims";
    parameter B1 b0 "aimsData";
  end C;
end DuplicateModification2;

Checking the model both gives an error and succeeds at the same time:

Check of DuplicateModification2.C completed successfully.

[C:/Documents and Settings/henrikt/My Documents/Models/Bugs/] Error: Variable b.a: Flera modifikationer av element = (typed)0 DAE.PROP(Integer, C_CONST), value: 0 and = (typed)0.0 DAE.PROP(Real, C_CONST), value: 0.0 i komponent y.

Class DuplicateModification2.C has 0 equation(s) and 0 variable(s).
0 of these are trivial equation(s).

The error goes away if 0.0 is used instead of 0 in the parameter modification inside class B2. It also goes away if the class restriction for A is changed from record to model.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 11 years ago


Postponed until 1.9.1

comment:2 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago


This ticket was not closed for 1.9.1, which has now been released. It was batch modified for milestone 1.9.2 (but maybe an empty milestone was more appropriate; feel free to change it).

comment:3 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago


Milestone changed to 1.9.3 since 1.9.2 was released.

comment:4 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago


Moved to new milestone 1.9.4

comment:5 by Per Östlund, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in 96a1c78.

comment:6 by Martin Sjölund, 9 years ago


Milestone renamed

comment:7 by Martin Sjölund, 9 years ago

Milestone: 1.9.4-1.9.x1.9.4

Milestone renamed

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