Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2411 closed defect (fixed)

Changes in parameters in extended model don't change

Reported by: dersh@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.1
Component: OMEdit Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


If I extend an example model and then try to edit parameters in the model, in the layout diagram, they don't appear to change. For example, if I right click a box, and then click on parameters and then change a value, and click OK. The value does actually change in the text representation, and in the resultant simulation. But, if I click on parameters again, I see the original value. So, it just seems that the dialog box is not accepting the new value, even though the value is being propagated to the rest of the model.

I am using 17626 on a Mac

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Adeel Asghar, 10 years ago

Status: newaccepted

Can you provide a usecase for it? r17626 is very old. I guess this problem is already fixed but if not then please post a test model.

comment:2 by dersh@…, 10 years ago

I just tried it out, and I can't now reproduce it. So, yes, it appears that it was fixed in the last year.


comment:3 by anonymous, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
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