Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2678 closed defect (invalid)

ExternalObject constructor not called

Reported by: federico.terraneo@… Owned by: Lennart Ochel
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.1
Component: Code Generation Version: trunk
Keywords: ExternalObject constructor Cc:


Trying to instantiate an ExternalObject with omc nightly builds results in the constructor not being called, only the destructor.

Please see the attached testcase, to be run with

omc +s
make -f Test.makefile

The result I'm seeing is this:

Dtor called (obj=(nil))
Test: ./ExtObj.h:22: void dtor(void *): Assertion `obj==(void*)0xdeadbeef' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

It looks like the constructor is not called. A look at the C sources generated by omc resulted in this (Test_01exo.c):

/* Has to be performed after _init.xml file has been read */
void Test_callExternalObjectConstructors(DATA *data)
  /* data->simulationInfo.extObjs = NULL; */
  infoStreamPrint(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "call external Object Constructors");
  infoStreamPrint(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "call external Object Constructors finished");

void Test_callExternalObjectDestructors(DATA *data)
    data->simulationInfo.extObjs = 0;

So the destructor is called, the constructor is not.

Change History (2)

by federico.terraneo@…, 11 years ago

Attachment: added

Testcase that triggers the bug

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 11 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
model Test
  NativeInterface iface(param = "test parameter");
end Test;

Is not how you call the constructor. You should use:

model Test
  NativeInterface iface = NativeInterface(param = "test parameter");
end Test;

Full file example because omc does not support external objects as a top-level class:

package P

class NativeInterface
  extends ExternalObject;

function constructor
  input String param;
  output NativeInterface interface;

  external "C" interface = ctor(param) annotation(Include = "#include \"ExtObj.h\"");
end constructor;

function destructor
  input NativeInterface interface;

  external "C" dtor(interface) annotation(Include = "#include \"ExtObj.h\"");
end destructor;
end NativeInterface;

end P;

model Test
  import P.NativeInterface;
  parameter NativeInterface iface = NativeInterface(param = "test parameter");
end Test;
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