Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2691 closed defect (fixed)

code generation error when profiling

Reported by: Volker Waurich Owned by: Lennart Ochel
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.9.1
Component: Code Generation Version: trunk
Keywords: profiling Cc: Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund, Willi Braun, Lennart Ochel



since simulates using +d=evalConstFuncs, I wanted to profile it with +profiling=blocks, but I got:

[CodegenC.tpl:9888:14-9888:14:writable] Error: Template error: expTypeShort: ()

I think the DAE.T_TUPLE is not supported.

Can anyone who is familiar with code generation add the necessary cases? Its also possible that I declared the wrong types. If so please tell me whats the problem. Without profiling, everything is fine.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 11 years ago

Do you replace the functioncall with a DAE.TUPLE anywhere? That is really not supported. If you do this, you need to replace the DAE.TUPLE with either the first expression in the tuple (if part of a compound expression), or split the statement into multiple statements.

comment:2 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

I get the following message:

Time measurements are stored in Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Examples.Spice3BenchmarkFourBitBinaryAdder_prof.json

Probably it got fixed in the meantime. Volker, can you confirm that?

comment:3 by Volker Waurich, 10 years ago

Yes, I fixed this type issue some time ago.

comment:4 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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