Select and export variables after simulation
A suggested feature:
It would be nice if OMEdit could filter and export variables after doing a simulation. I know that it is possible to apply a variable filter before running a simulation, and to change the saved file type at that point as well.
There are times when I have run a simulation with default settings (all variables, and .mat format) for example. Then, after viewing and plotting I would like to be able to then save a subset of the variables to csv format for further processing or display.
Ideally, this feature would include a gui, similar to the variable browser, where variables could be selected by clicking, or by filter, then an export format could be selected, and the selected variables would be saved to a new file.
Perhaps it would just be a new feature of the plotting/variable browser area, in which there is an additional button or menu item, like Re-simulate) that just says export variables, and only the already selected variables would be exported as CSV.
Done in 19e8270/OMEdit.