Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3145 closed defect (fixed)

saving issues

Reported by: benoitbride@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.4
Component: OMEdit Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:



Using OMEdit 192 beta 2 I had some problems to save new models in a package. For instance if I do :

  • right click on a model
  • copy
  • type name "newmodel"
  • choose the package in which I want to keep it
  • modify newmodel
  • save it

Then the file never appears in my package directory, so I cannot figure out how to save it effectively from OME...

Switching to code in OME, it even always remain empty (no text even though the graphical model appears).


Change History (14)

comment:1 by Per Östlund, 10 years ago

Component: UnknownOMEdit
Owner: changed from somebody to Adeel Asghar

comment:2 by Adeel Asghar, 10 years ago

Tested with r25177. Seems to work as expected.

comment:3 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago


I tested it on r25177 but it still does not work for me.
I may be mis-using the editor...

I discovered that if I do a "save complete model", then the save button begins to work correctly.

Perhaps I it is not allowed to use separate files in a package directory, but I usually work this way with ThermoSysPro.

I have just seen that OME gives me error messages when saving : here they are :

[44] 16:08:18 Ecriture Erreur
Failed to load package Travail () using MODELICAPATH D:\donnees\Modelica\;C:/OpenModelica1.9.2/lib/omlibrary.

[45] 16:08:18 Grammaire Erreur
[D:\donnees\Modelica\/Travail/ 0:0-0:0]: Modelica library files should contain exactly one package, but found the following classes: Travail, ThermoSysPro, ModelicaServices, Modelica, TAV_total.

Thanks anyway if you have advices.

comment:4 by Adeel Asghar, 10 years ago

I followed the steps you mentioned in the bug description and I was able to save newmodel successfully. What I did was,

  • Created a package p1 (makesure you uncheck Save contents in one file).
  • Click save. (It should create a folder <name of folder depends on what you choose> with file
  • Then I created a new model M. (Create the model at top-level, do not select any insert in class).
  • Right click model M and choose copy.
  • Enter name newmodel.
  • Enter p1 in path. (this is create a copy of model M as name newmodel in p1).
  • Open newmodel and click on save.
  • Now I have a folder p1 with 2 files i.e &

The error you mention now is a know bug which is already reported here #3179.

comment:5 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago


Thanks for your help.
I tested on my computer the actions you listed, here is the result:

Created a package p1 (makesure you uncheck Save contents in one file).
Click save. (It should create a folder <name of folder depends on what you choose> with file

Indeed these 2 steps created a folder with a correct file inside.

Then I created a new model M. (Create the model at top-level, do not select any insert in class).
Right click model M and choose copy.
Enter name newmodel.
Enter p1 in path. (this is create a copy of model M as name newmodel in p1).
Open newmodel and click on save.
Now I have a folder p1 with 2 files i.e &

The file is not created in the folder. Besides when I click on "save" the star (*) does not disappear from the name of the model in the main window of the OME.

Then if I do "save in a complete model" for my newmodel, it gives the error messages:

[285] 08:58:31 Traduction Erreur
Class p1.newmodel not found in scope .

[286] 08:58:31 Traduction Erreur
[D:/donnees/Modelica/p1/ 1:1-3:12]: Class newmodel not found in scope Travail.

At exiting the OME, it asks to "save the changes in class" p1. If I answer yes, nothing happens and the OME remains open. If I answer No the OME closes, and when I re-open it p1 is empty.

I confess that I am a bit puzzled about saving issues in OME... I cannot understand why it is not working on my computer the same way as you.


comment:6 by Adrian Pop, 10 years ago

Do you by any chance have the paths (directory names) where you try to save with special French characters in them? I don't think that works yet.

comment:7 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago

I do not have special french characters in the path.
The main package directory is: D:\donnees\Modelica\Travail

In my first tests, I wondered wether the slash or antislash in the path names has an influence, so I tried several versions of the working directory pathname (in tools/options/general), but I found no solutions there.

I am now trying other ways of saving, I will tell you what works and do not works.


comment:8 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago

I have just made a new test, varying a bit the steps, here is what I have done :

1) Create a package p1 (unchecking Save contents in one file).
2) Click save.
3) In the saving window create and choose a "p1" folder
4) The folder p1 is correctly created with a file inside
5) Create a new model M at top-level (no insert in class)
6) NEW STEP HERE: Save M, OME asks a directory, select p1
7) Right click model M and choose copy.
8) Enter name newmodel.
9) Enter p1 in path
10) Open newmodel and click on save.

It works!
I now have a file in the p1 directory.

However I had two error messages at step 10 :

[2] 11:13:29 Ecriture Erreur
Failed to load package p1 () using MODELICAPATH D:\donnees\Modelica\;C:/OpenModelica1.9.2/lib/omlibrary.

[3] 11:13:29 Grammaire Erreur
[D:/donnees/Modelica/p1/ 1:1-3:6]: Expected the package to have within p1; but got within ;.

I could then Right click on model M and choose remove, and this messages do not appear anymore when saving newmodel.

But after that, the saving does not work anymore, since I could not find my changes in the file when opening it in a notepad.

I am progressing... But it is not completely solved.


comment:9 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago

I made a mistake in my statement above,

The newmodel savings still work after "Right click on model M and choose remove", and the error messages still appear.

It is when I erase from p1 directory that the newmodel savings cease to work and the error messages disappear.


comment:10 by Adeel Asghar, 10 years ago

I suppose then we can close this ticket and follow on #3179 for other errors.

comment:11 by benoitbride@…, 10 years ago

I still do not see clearly how to use OME and avoid saving problems but I will try it out by myself.

Thanks a lot for all your answers.


comment:12 by Adeel Asghar, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:13 by Dietmar Winkler, 9 years ago

Milestone: Futurepre1.9.4

It doesn't make sense to keep closed ticket in the "Future" milestone that were simply forgotten to assign to the correct milestone in the past.

comment:14 by Martin Sjölund, 7 years ago

Milestone: pre1.

Removing the pre1.9.4 milestone in favor of 1.9.4.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.