Opened 10 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#3330 closed defect (wontfix)

Error occurred while flattening model Buildings.Electrical.AC.*.Sources.PVSimpleOriented

Reported by: Marco Bonvini Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.17.0
Component: Third-Party Libraries Version: 1.9.0Beta
Keywords: Buildings Library Cc:


Hi all,

I'm trying to make the Electrical package of the modelica Buildings library work with OpenModelica. So far most of the models work, however OM has problems in flattening some of them.

Looks like the problem is caused by the multiple extension that some of the models have.

I was able to solve a similar issue ( by adding an extra parent to all the models of type *ResistiveLoad.

Now I am seeing a similar issue with the following models:


while the models


work correctly.

When trying to use one of the examples for these models I get this error

Error: Could not evaluate structural parameter (or constant): PhaseSystem.n which gives dimensions of array: v[PhaseSystem.n]. Array dimensions must be known at compile time.
Error: Error occurred while flattening model Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Examples.PVPanels

Any suggestions or fix that I can do?


Change History (1)

comment:1 by Francesco Casella, 4 years ago

Milestone: Future1.17.0
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This ticket is now obsolete, the test model is no longer available.

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