Opened 9 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
#3599 closed defect (fixed)
fmiInitialize crash - stack alignment assumption incorrect
Reported by: | Owned by: | Adrian Pop | |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | 1.11.0 |
Component: | FMI | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | Adrian Pop |
The version of MinGW shipped with OpenModelica 1.9.3 contains gcc version 4.4.0, which causes problems when SIMD instructions are generated in functions which can be called by an external application with different stack alignment constraints.
Specifically, for some models, calling a function in a (MinGW compiled) FMU dll from a MSVC compiled executable results in a crash inside fmiInitialize. The offending function:
int getAnalyticalJacobianLapack(DATA* data, threadData_t *threadData, double* jac, int sysNumber) { int i,j,k,l,ii,currentSys = sysNumber; LINEAR_SYSTEM_DATA* systemData = &(((DATA*)data)->simulationInfo.linearSystemData[currentSys]); const int index = systemData->jacobianIndex; memset(jac, 0, (systemData->size)*(systemData->size)*sizeof(double)); for(i=0; i < data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].sparsePattern.maxColors; i++) { /* activate seed variable for the corresponding color */ for(ii=0; ii < data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].sizeCols; ii++) if(data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].sparsePattern.colorCols[ii]-1 == i) data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].seedVars[ii] = 1; // CRASH OCCURS JUST BEFORE THIS CALL ((systemData->analyticalJacobianColumn))(data, threadData); /* Disassembly of call: movsd xmm2,mmword ptr ds:[6B78F6C8h] movsd xmm1,mmword ptr ds:[6B78F6D0h] ... mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] mov dword ptr [esp+4],edx mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] mov dword ptr [esp],ecx movapd xmmword ptr [ebp-68h],xmm1 <-- This instruction assumes 16 byte alignment movsd mmword ptr [ebp-58h],xmm2 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp-40h] call dword ptr [edi+10h] */ ... }
The reason: GCC assumes 16 byte alignment of the stack pointer upon entry to a new frame, but MSVC only aligns to 4 bytes. Thus, the crash will not always occur, but will depend on how your local variables are organized in the calling (MSVC) code. Super obscure.
According to this article, the bug has been fixed in versions of GCC 4.5 and greater.
Change History (9)
comment:1 by , 9 years ago
Component: | Unknown → FMI |
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:2 by , 9 years ago
comment:3 by , 9 years ago
Cc: | added |
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:4 by , 9 years ago
As far as I understand that Bug was in OM 1.9.3, because of using gcc 4.4, but in the current versions we switch to newer gcc so this Bug is not really relevant any more.
Or do we just need to change the line
data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].seedVars[ii] = 1;
data->simulationInfo.analyticJacobians[index].seedVars[ii] = 1.0; }}}.
comment:5 by , 9 years ago
We will update the gcc inside OpenModelica windows installation from gcc 4.4 to gcc 5.2 very soon. That will hopefully get rid of the issue.
comment:6 by , 9 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | assigned → accepted |
comment:7 by , 9 years ago
Hello, just to follow up, I have noticed that v1.9.6 still uses GCC 4.4. Can I ask an rough estimate for when an updated version will be packaged?
comment:8 by , 9 years ago
You can use the nightly builds already:
note: if you want 32 bit FMUs install 32 bit, if you want 64 bit FMUs install 64 bit
comment:9 by , 7 years ago
Milestone: | Future → 1.11.0 |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | accepted → closed |
I assume this was fixed in 1.11.0 and will close this. Re-open if the issue remains.
Hello, to follow up, is there a solution for this defect?