Option to manually scale plots
It would be a nice feature to be able to set the scale on plots manually. At the moment in OMEdit, the plot results are either auto-scaled, or the user can adjust the scale by zooming and dragging.
When a plot covers a large scale in value or time, it can take many clicks to zoom in enough to see the fine details. For example of a plot starts at a very large number and ends near zero, it can be difficult to zoom in to the values close to zero.
There should be an option where a user can set the min and max values for the x and y axes numerically. By just typing in x-min=0 x-max=10e-1 into a dialog box.
There is already a setup button for plots that brings up a Plot Setup dialog, so it could go there, or could be a separate dialog box.
Looks similar to #2232.