Opened 9 years ago
Last modified 3 years ago
#4037 accepted enhancement
Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes
Reported by: | Rüdiger Franke | Owned by: | Lennart Ochel |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | |
Component: | Run-time | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | Adrian Pop, Niklas Worschech |
The C runtime has a lot of command line options. The Cpp runtime has less command line options. Typically the names and the syntax are different. C options are long names that start with one dash and lower case character; Cpp options are either long names that start with two dashes or short (one character) that starts with one dash.
Since OpenModelica 1.9.4 the short Cpp options were changed to upper case letters. This way they are unique, because the C runtime uses no upper case letters.
This proposal is that the C runtime introduces short versions of the most important command line options as well. The short versions should be the same among all runtimes, while the long versions may be specific.
The proposed short options are:
-S arg | simulation start time |
-E arg | simulation end time |
-H arg | simulation step size |
-G arg | number of intervals in equidistant grid |
-I arg | integration solver method |
-L arg | linear solver method |
-N arg | nonlinear solver method |
-C | continue if nonlinear solver does not converge |
-T arg | integration solver tolerance |
-V arg | log settings (all, events, ls, nls, states, warning, discard, error, fatal, pending -- cf. FMI 2 spec) |
-O arg | output writing (all, step, none) for all steps and events or only steps or nothing |
-P arg | simulation results output format (mat or csv) |
-A arg | abort after arg seconds |
-F arg | name of results file |
-M arg | path to Modelica Standard Library |
-R arg | path to simulation runtime libs |
Change History (13)
comment:1 by , 9 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → accepted |
comment:2 by , 9 years ago
This is a complete list of all command line options available in c runtime. I tried to match the proposed short options from above. However, there are a couple of options which are not available or handled different in c runtime.
-abortSlowSimulation | aborts if the simulation chatters | |
-alarm value | -A | aborts after the given number of seconds (0 disables) |
-clock value | selects the type of clock to use -clock=RT, -clock=CYC or -clock=CPU | |
-cpu | dumps the cpu-time into the result file | |
-csvOstep value | value specifies csv-files for debuge values for optimizer step | |
-daeMode | flag to let the integrator use daeResiduals | |
-embeddedServer value | enables an embedded server. Valid values: none, opc-da [broken], opc-ua [experimental], or the path to a shared object. | |
-emit_protected | emits protected variables to the result-file | |
-f value | value specifies a new setup XML file to the generated simulation code | |
-help value | get detailed information that specifies the command-line flag | |
-idaMaxErrorTestFails value | value specifies the maximum number of error test failures in attempting one step. The default value is 7. | |
-idaMaxNonLinIters value | value specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations at one step. The default value is 3. | |
-idaMaxConvFails value | value specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures at one step. The default value is 10. | |
-idaNonLinConvCoef value | value specifies the safety factor in the nonlinear convergence test. The default value is 0.33. | |
-idaLS value | selects the linear solver used by ida | |
-idaSensitivity | flag to add sensitivity information to the result files | |
-ignoreHideResult | ignore HideResult=true annotation | |
-iif value | value specifies an external file for the initialization of the model | |
-iim value | value specifies the initialization method | |
-iit value | [double] value specifies a time for the initialization of the model | |
-ils value | [int] default: 1 | |
-initialStepSize value | value specifies an initial stepsize for the dassl solver | |
-csvInput value | value specifies an csv-file with inputs for the simulation/optimization of the model | |
-exInputFile value | value specifies an external file with inputs for the simulation/optimization of the model | |
-stateFile value | value specifies an file with states start values for the optimization of the model | |
-ipopt_hesse value | value specifies the hessian for Ipopt | |
-ipopt_init value | value specifies the initial guess for optimization | |
-ipopt_jac value | value specifies the jacobian for Ipopt | |
-ipopt_max_iter value | value specifies the max number of iteration for ipopt | |
-ipopt_warm_start value | value specifies lvl for a warm start in ipopt: 1,2,3,... | |
-jacobian value | selects the type of the jacobians that is used for the integrator. | |
-l value | value specifies a time where the linearization of the model should be performed | |
-l_datarec | emit data recovery matrices with model linearization | |
-logFormat value | value specifies the log format of the executable. -logFormat=text (default) or -logFormat=xml | |
-ls value | -L | value specifies the linear solver method (default: lapack, totalpivot (fallback)) |
-ls_ipopt value | value specifies the linear solver method for ipopt | |
-lss value | value specifies the linear sparse solver method (default: umfpack) | |
-lssMaxDensity value | [double (default 0.2)] value specifies the maximum density for using a linear sparse solver | |
-lssMinSize value | [int (default 4001)] value specifies the minimum system size for using a linear sparse solver | |
-lv value | -V | [string list] value specifies the logging level |
-mbi value | [int (default 0)] value specifies the maximum number of bisection iterations for state event detection or zero for default behavior | |
-mei value | [int (default 20)] value specifies the maximum number of event iterations | |
-maxIntegrationOrder value | value specifies maximum integration order, used by dassl solver | |
-maxStepSize value | -H | value specifies maximum absolute step size, used by dassl solver |
-measureTimePlotFormat value | value specifies the output format of the measure time functionality | |
-newtonFTol value | [double (default 1e-12)] tolerance respecting residuals for updating solution vector in Newton solver | |
-newtonXTol value | [double (default 1e-12)] tolerance respecting newton correction (delta_x) for updating solution vector in Newton solver | |
-newton value | value specifies the damping strategy for the newton solver | |
-nls value | -N | value specifies the nonlinear solver |
-nlsInfo | outputs detailed information about solving process of non-linear systems into csv files. | |
-noemit | do not emit any results to the result file | |
-noEquidistantTimeGrid | stores results not in equidistant time grid as given by stepSize or numberOfIntervals, instead the variable step size of dassl is used. | |
-noEquidistantOutputFrequency value | value controls the output frequency in noEquidistantTimeGrid mode | |
-noEquidistantOutputTime value | value controls the output time point in noEquidistantOutputTime mode | |
-noEventEmit | do not emit event points to the result file | |
-noRestart | flag deactivates the restart of dassl/ida after an event is performed. | |
-noRootFinding | flag deactivates the internal root finding procedure of dassl/ida. | |
-noSuppressAlg | flag to not suppress algebraic variables in the local error test of ida solver in daeMode | |
-optDebugJac value | value specifies the number of iter from the dyn. optimization, which will be debuge, creating *csv and *py file | |
-optimizerNP value | value specifies the number of points in a subinterval | |
-optimizerTimeGrid value | value specifies external file with time points. | |
-output value | output the variables a, b and c at the end of the simulation to the standard output | |
-override value | override the variables or the simulation settings in the XML setup file | |
-overrideFile value | will override the variables or the simulation settings in the XML setup file with the values from the file | |
-port value | value specifies the port for simulation status (default disabled) | |
-r value | -F | value specifies a new result file than the default Model_res.mat |
-rt value | value specifies the scaling factor for real-time synchronization (0 disables) | |
-s value | -I | value specifies the solver |
-steps | dumps the number of integration steps into the result file | |
-keepHessian value | value specifies the number of steps, which keep hessian matrix constant | |
-w | shows all warnings even if a related log-stream is inactive |
comment:3 by , 9 years ago
We might reduce the list of common options. The option -M
for MSL path is not so important. Others, like -S
and -E
for start and end time are important.
Take the call of OMEdit as examples / use case for common arguments:
MyModel -port=52924 -logFormat=xml -override=startTime=0,stopTime=1,stepSize=0.002,tolerance=0.0001,solver=dassl,outputFormat=mat,variableFilter=.* -r=MyModel_res.mat -jacobian=coloredNumerical -w -lv=LOG_STATS
It appears that many options appear under -override
. The call could look like:
MyModel -S 0 -E 1 -H 0.002 -T 0.0001 -I dassl -P mat -F MyModel_res.mat
Some options are not covered, like -port
and -logFormat
. Others might me skipped as they are default, like variableFilter=.*
It seems we need to iterate a bit to find a useful common subset.
comment:4 by , 8 years ago
If we have common short options, we need common long names as well. I really dislike flags like -S 0 -E 1
since you need to check the documentation to see what the flag does. --startTime=0 --stopTime=1
is much easier to read.
comment:5 by , 8 years ago
I see good reasons to change the command line options. For example, the -override
flag is rather bad. It should get split up to just handle overrides of variables and parameters and there should be a new option to override simulation settings (e.g. --startTime=0 --stopTime=1
). However, this would break backwards compatibility. I suggest discussing this within the next dev meeting.
comment:6 by , 8 years ago
Even better if a bigger change is introduced, provided the result will be better than what we have today. What is the right way of writing options? Modelica experiment annotations use StartTime=0
, StopTime=1
. You propose --startTime=0
, --stopTime=1
. Long program options are typically written as --start-time=0
, --stop-time=1
comment:7 by , 8 years ago
Milestone: | 1.11.0 → 1.12.0 |
Milestone moved to 1.12.0 due to 1.11.0 already being released.
comment:8 by , 7 years ago
Milestone: | 1.12.0 → 1.13.0 |
Milestone moved to 1.13.0 due to 1.12.0 already being released.
comment:10 by , 5 years ago
Milestone: | 1.14.0 → 1.16.0 |
Releasing 1.14.0 which is stable and has many improvements w.r.t. 1.13.2. This issue is rescheduled to 1.16.0
comment:12 by , 4 years ago
Milestone: | 1.17.0 → 1.18.0 |
Retargeted to 1.18.0 because of 1.17.0 timed release.
I think this is a good idea. Any comments?