Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#4064 closed defect (fixed)

string inputs to external object constructor

Reported by: Volker Waurich Owned by: Volker Waurich
Priority: normal Milestone: Future
Component: Code Generation Version:
Keywords: Cc: Martin Sjölund, Willi Braun, Adrian Pop



String arguments to external object constructors are usually handled like this:

static const MMC_DEFSTRINGLIT(tmp0,11,"stringinput");
data->simulationInfo->extObjs[0]  = omc_ExtObj_Name_constructor(threadData, MMC_REFSTRINGLIT(tmp0));

if the actual external constructor call is reached,it gets as an input


These macros put the string in some data structure. The MMC_STRINGDATA does bitshifting to reach the original string.

This is the case for simulation. In FMU-Generation, the original string reaches the constructor call without being transformed to some other structure. Anyway, the bit shifting using MMC_STRINGDATA is applied and hence the string argument to the constructor is incomplete.

So simulation needs the MMC_STRINGDATA call and FMU-generation does not.

How should this problem being adressed? Shall we check if an FMU
should be generated and decide in the template call whether to set the macro or not? Or can we leave these macros at all? (I have no overview where these things are necessary)


Attachments (1)

trac.txt (1.7 KB ) - added by Volker Waurich 8 years ago.

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Change History (19)

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

What code in FMUs get this code? All Modelica function calls take strings and all strings in the simulation must use mmc_mk_scon or similar to box the argument. Where is this not performed?

comment:2 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Use the model from #4062 with:

translateModelFMU(MDD_test, version="1.0", fmuType="me"); getErrorString();

I end up with a runtime error:

MDDSerialPort.h: CreateFileA of serial port OM3 failed with error: 2

Which should be "COM3"
See attached file for more details.

by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Attachment: trac.txt added

comment:3 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

The attached file was wrong, Iv found the mmc_mk_scon. The runtime error appears anyway.

comment:4 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

So the problem is with start-values in FMUs, I guess?

comment:5 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

In MDD_test_callExternalObjectConstructorsdata->simulationInfo->stringParameter[0]gets in the constructor, which is "COM3". After calling MMC_STRINGDATA(_deviceName) only "OM3" is left.

comment:7 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

For DAE.SCONST inputs to external constructor calls, it works fine. For DAE.CREF inputs of type DAE.T_STRING, we miss a mmc_mk_scon() call. The cref is generated by
CodegenCFunction.tpl ::daeExpCrefRhs. I do not know which template I should change to generate a mmc_mk_scon() call of a cref. The templates to generate crefs are used frequently and adding mmc_mk_scon-call breaks the codegeneration. I could implement various cref-template functions to bypass the ordinary templates for the concrete situation, but I dont like to add so many functions for such a special case. As a workaround for my model, I will evaluate all parameters and leave this topic open for discussion.

comment:8 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Lennart Ochel to Volker Waurich
Priority: highnormal
Status: newassigned

comment:9 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

CREF does not need any mmc_mk_scon call (bootstrapping works just fine after all). Which variable does not work for you? (with your commit, COM3 is passed just fine, but then seg.faults due to COM3 not being available on Linux)

comment:10 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

In MDD_test_01.exp.c :: MDD_test_callExternalObjectConstructors I get data->simulationInfo->stringParameter[0] /* serialReceive._Serial_Port PARAM */ as an input. This is forwarded to MDD_test_functions.c :::omc_Modelica__DeviceDrivers_Communication_SerialPort_constructor and then put in the constructor:


data->simulationInfo->stringParameter[0] is "COM3" and MMC_STRINGDATA(data->simulationInfo->stringParameter[0]) is "OM3"

comment:11 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

That works just fine with your commit 889d1e and becomes COM3. I get the following printed just fine:

assert            | debug   | MDDSerialPort.h: open(..) of serial port COM3 failed (No such file or directory)

I guess the problem is simply that the start-value is not boxed when it is put into the data structure (it is already boxed at that place in the C runtime, so you need to fix it sooner in the FMU code; I can look for the place).

comment:12 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Oh..misunderstanding. The commit fixes the problem but breaks other tests. So I thought I need something different. But if you say that this fix could be valid, I will take a closer look at the broken test.

comment:13 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

The problem is in CodegenFMU.tpl: ScalarVariableTypeFMU. I'll fix it :)

comment:14 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

The value in there seems to be ignored by some other FMI function. It's rather messy and I guess I won't be able to find the cause :(

comment:15 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Shall we check whether the inputs to the constructor are constant and if not, output a warning or even evaluate all constructor inputs by default?

comment:16 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

We shouldn't need to. I think we have use cases for constructing external objects depending on parameters.

This should not be a problem that is only true for external objects, but also more general models, right? Although that warrants testing :)

comment:17 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Another attempt to fix this: 812cfc6

comment:18 by Volker Waurich, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

If there are no opposite views, the issue is fixed and I will close the ticket.

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