Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4078, comment 3

2016-11-11T15:32:59+01:00 (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #4078, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 OMEdit doesn't mark the line the debugger is on in any way, except for highlighting it. But if you click on another line it will highlight that line instead, and you won't know which line is active except if you double-click on the current frame in the stack browser to select the active line again. I would suggest that either the active line should be highlighted with another color than the currently selected line, or to have some symbol in the margin that indicates the active line.
     111. OMEdit doesn't mark the line the debugger is on in any way, except for highlighting it. But if you click on another line it will highlight that line instead, and you won't know which line is active except if you double-click on the current frame in the stack browser to select the active line again. I would suggest that either the active line should be highlighted with another color than the currently selected line, or to have some symbol in the margin that indicates the active line.