Changes between Initial Version and Version 5 of Ticket #4078

2016-11-11T15:31:35+01:00 (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #4078 – Description

    initial v5  
    11Since Martin fixed the compilation of OMEdit I tried to use it instead of MDT for debugging, and while it seems to work pretty well after I finally figured out how it works there are some minor issues with it. Rather than creating individual tickets for every little issue I'll just collect them here:
    2 * If you specify an invalid program in a debug configuration, like using the wrong path for OMC, you don't get any error. It just looks like it's running without doing anything, and I didn't figure it out until I looked at the Debugger CLI.
    3 * When stopping at a break point, a window pops up after a while (I'm guessing after 40 seconds) saying that GDB hasn't responded for 40 seconds. GDB seems to be working fine though, and choosing the option to give GDB more time allows you to continue.
    4 * When the debugger steps into a file that's not yet open in a tab, OMEdit will open the file but will not go to the actual line. Double-clicking on the topmost stack frame will make OMEdit go to the line though.
    5 * Clicking on a stack frame seems to do nothing except highlight it, while double-clicking will go to that frame. I think it should be enough to single-click on a stack frame to go to it, since that's most likely what the user wants anyway.
    6 * The only way I've found so far to run a debug configuration is to go into Debug->Debug Configurations, select the configuration, and press Save & Debug. This can get a bit annoying. One option would be to have a submenu under Debug that lists all configurations, or maybe only some of the configurations ordered by last use time. Another option would be to have a button with a dropdown menu like Eclipse does it. Some way of easily starting the last used configuration would also be nice.
    7 * The variables browser lists name, type and value. I usually don't care about the type, since that can be inferred from the value most of the time anyway. So it would be nice to be able to configure which columns are shown. You can resize any column you want until it's really small though, so this is a very minor issue.
    8 * The opened folders and the breakpoints are not saved when you quit OMEdit.
    9 * Right-clicking on an empty spot in the library browser doesn't do anything. I was expecting it to open a context menu where you can choose to add things, like folders for debugging, instead of having to go the File menu.
     21. If you specify an invalid program in a debug configuration, like using the wrong path for OMC, you don't get any error. It just looks like it's running without doing anything, and I didn't figure it out until I looked at the Debugger CLI.
     31. When stopping at a break point, a window pops up after a while (I'm guessing after 40 seconds) saying that GDB hasn't responded for 40 seconds. GDB seems to be working fine though, and choosing the option to give GDB more time allows you to continue.
     41. When the debugger steps into a file that's not yet open in a tab, OMEdit will open the file but will not go to the actual line. Double-clicking on the topmost stack frame will make OMEdit go to the line though.
     51. Clicking on a stack frame seems to do nothing except highlight it, while double-clicking will go to that frame. I think it should be enough to single-click on a stack frame to go to it, since that's most likely what the user wants anyway.
     61. The only way I've found so far to run a debug configuration is to go into Debug->Debug Configurations, select the configuration, and press Save & Debug. This can get a bit annoying. One option would be to have a submenu under Debug that lists all configurations, or maybe only some of the configurations ordered by last use time. Another option would be to have a button with a dropdown menu like Eclipse does it. Some way of easily starting the last used configuration would also be nice.
     71. The variables browser lists name, type and value. I usually don't care about the type, since that can be inferred from the value most of the time anyway. So it would be nice to be able to configure which columns are shown. You can resize any column you want until it's really small though, so this is a very minor issue.
     81. The opened folders and the breakpoints are not saved when you quit OMEdit.
     91. Right-clicking on an empty spot in the library browser doesn't do anything. I was expecting it to open a context menu where you can choose to add things, like folders for debugging, instead of having to go the File menu.