Opened 8 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#4280 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Custom annotation __OpenModelica_[parametricplot|plot]

Reported by: Christoph Buchner <buchner@…> Owned by: somebody
Priority: high Milestone: Future
Component: *unknown* Version:
Keywords: Cc:


It would be great to have a set of custom annotations (e.g. __OpenModelica_plot and __OpenModelica_parametricplot) which define a set of plots that the user wants to see after simulating a model.

For example, when I have a complex model that I am simulating and adapting/enlarging, every time I open the model in OMEdit, after first simulation, I have to hunt down the quantities I want to plot in the variables browser. If you have O(10) variables distributed over multiple plots, this gets old after a while. Also, it's really hard to produce consistent plots like this (insertion order matters, etc.).

It would be awesome if,when working in OMEdit, I could put in the modelica source something like

annotation(__OpenModelica_plot(mymodel.component1.port_a.m_flow, mymodel.component2.pressure, mymodel.controlsignal),
           __OpenModelica_parametricplot(mymodel.component3.T, mymodel.overall_efficiency))

Is there already a way to achieve this, that I failed to identify? Kinda feels like this [cs]hould be part of the experiment annotation, but it isn't, afaict.

See also #3887.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Christoph Buchner <buchner@…>, 7 years ago

As an additional mechanism (see #4719), the annotations could be generated/updated with a button in OMEdit plotting window, to easily capture the current state of the plots (i.e. quantities plotted, order, view limits).

comment:2 by Per Östlund, 3 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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