Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#4486 closed defect (fixed)

Report end of initialization and start of simulation in the log

Reported by: Francesco Casella Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: critical Milestone: 1.12.0
Component: OMEdit Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When running a Modelica model simulation there are two major milestones: the first is the success of the intialization, the second is the success of the simulation. The information regarding the achievement of these milestones should be clear and always provided to the end user.

The second milestone is already reported with the message

stdout | OMEditInfo | <p>Simulation process finished successfully.</p>

However, the first one is not reported explicitly, so if there are errors it is not immediately apparent whether the problem is during the initialization or during the simulation phase. This is particularly annoying since sometimes some recoverable errors are reported anyway in the log window, which makes the whole thing even more confusing.

Please add a corresponding message

stdout | OMEditInfo | <p>Initialization process finished successfully.</p>

when the initialization process is successfully concluded.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Lennart Ochel, 8 years ago

This is reported if the flag -lv=LOG_INIT is used. This message can be changed to use the default output stream to make it always available. Would that solve the issue?

comment:2 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

This message should always be reported, without the need of setting any special log flag. If what you propose achieves this, it's fine :)

comment:3 by Patrick Täuber, 8 years ago

@casella Do you want this for OMEdit (OMEditInfo) or for the OMC in general?

comment:4 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

I guess both would be ideal, though what is really essential is the information provided to the OMEdit user, which is usually not an advanced one.

comment:5 by Patrick Täuber, 8 years ago

I moved the success information to the omc standard output:

Please check if this is what you need.

comment:6 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

The current omc output is fine, however at the end of the simulation OMEdit reports

stdout | info | <p>The simulation finished successfully.</p>
stdout | OMEditInfo | <p>Simulation process finished successfully.</p>

I would now remove the OMEditInfo output which is redundant.

comment:7 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

Also, if -lv=LOG_INIT is activated, the message

stdout | info | <p>The initialization finished successfully with homotopy method.</p>

is folded below the homotopy process line and only shows up if this part of the OMEdit log window is unfolded, which is a bit inconvenient. @adeas31, can you make sure that this message always shows up without the need of unfolding anything?


comment:8 by Adeel Asghar, 8 years ago

I have removed the redundant OMEditInfo output in 116a854/OMEdit.

For me the message,

stdout | info | <p>The initialization finished successfully with homotopy method.</p>

is always appearing unfolded.

comment:9 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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