Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#5012 closed defect (duplicate)

Lookup issues in Modelica.Media/Fluid with NF

Reported by: Francesco Casella Owned by: Per Östlund
Priority: high Milestone: 2.0.0
Component: New Instantiation Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Modelica_trunk_Modelica.Media.Examples.ReferenceAir.Inverse_sh_TX breaks with

[Modelica trunk/Media/]
Error: Function Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.setState_pTX
not found in scope Inverse_sh_TX.

Modelica.Media.Examples.ReferenceAir.MoistAir breaks with

[OMCompiler/build/lib/omlibrary/Modelica trunk/Media/]
Error: Class Medium.ThermodynamicState not found in scope MoistAir.

Modelica.Media.Examples.ReferenceAir.MoistAir1 breaks with

[Modelica trunk/Media/]
Error: Class Medium.MassFlowRate not found in scope ShortPipe.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Per Östlund, 7 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate of #4912 and #5004.

comment:2 by Francesco Casella, 7 years ago

Sorry, I looked up the tickets about lookup issues in Media and, seeing them closed, thought these were new ones. I should have checked. I forgot about the partial function pending issue, I'll try to keep that in mind.

BTW, how far are we from a solution of that issue?

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by Per Östlund, 7 years ago

Replying to casella:

BTW, how far are we from a solution of that issue?

It depends on when I run out of more interesting things to work on I guess.

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