Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#5019 closed defect (fixed)

Issue with Media function flattening in the NF

Reported by: Francesco Casella Owned by: Per Östlund
Priority: high Milestone: 2.0.0
Component: New Instantiation Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Please check ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked. The C code compilation fails with

ThermoPower_ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked_functions.o ThermoPower_ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked_functions.c
ThermoPower_ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked_functions.c:5237:3: error:
use of undeclared identifier 'ThermoPower_Test_WaterComponents_TestValveChoked_ValveVap_Medium_ThermodynamicState';
did you mean 'omc_ThermoPower_Test_WaterComponents_TestValveChoked_ValveVap_Medium_setState__ph'?
  ThermoPower_Test_WaterComponents_TestValveChoked_ValveVap_Medium_ThermodynamicState tmp1;

If I flatten this function with the old FE, I get

function ThermoPower.Water.ValveVap$ValveVap.Medium.setState_ph "Return thermodynamic state from p and h"
  input Real p(quantity = "Pressure", unit = "Pa", displayUnit = "bar", min = 611.657, max = 100000000.0, start = 5000000.0, nominal = 1000000.0) "Pressure";
  input Real h(quantity = "SpecificEnergy", unit = "J/kg", min = -10000000000.0, max = 10000000000.0, start = 100000.0, nominal = 500000.0) "Specific enthalpy";
  input Integer phase(min = 0, max = 2) = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
  output ThermoPower.Water.ValveVap$ValveVap.Medium.ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
  state := ThermoPower.Water.ValveVap$ValveVap.Medium.setState_phX(p, h, {}, phase, 0);
end ThermoPower.Water.ValveVap$ValveVap.Medium.setState_ph;

while the NF returns

function ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked.ValveVap.Medium.setState_ph "Return thermodynamic state from p and h"
  input Real p(quantity = "Pressure", unit = "Pa", displayUnit = "bar", min = 611.657, max = 100000000.0, start = 5000000.0, nominal = 1000000.0) "Pressure";
  input Real h(quantity = "SpecificEnergy", unit = "J/kg", min = -10000000000.0, max = 10000000000.0, start = 100000.0, nominal = 500000.0) "Specific enthalpy";
  input Integer phase(min = 0, max = 2) = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
  output Medium.ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
  state := ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked.Medium.setState_phX(p, h, {}, phase, 0);
end ThermoPower.Test.WaterComponents.TestValveChoked.ValveVap.Medium.setState_ph;

The paths of the two functions are different, and it seems to me that the one of the NF is in principle more correct, because it refers to the Medium package defined by the specific instance of the ValveVap mode, rather than to the one generically defined in the library, even though the two should actually be the same, because the default Medium package of the library model has not been redeclared in the instance.

I guess the problem is in the type of the state output, which the NF does not replace with the correct path, but rather leaves to a generic Medium.ThermodynamicState, which the backend cannot process later on.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Francesco Casella, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This problem was solved by one of the last commits, the model now compiles and simulates regularly.

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