Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#5652 closed defect (invalid)

NF fails to evaluate Integer in if expression

Reported by: ulrich1a Owned by: Per Östlund
Priority: high Milestone: 1.14.0
Component: New Instantiation Version: v1.14.0-dev-nightly
Keywords: Cc:


The following model runs fine in OF but fails in NF:

model evalTest 
Real[2] a;
parameter Integer X(fixed=false) "fails in equation evaluation";
initial algorithm
X:= 1;
  for i in 1:2 loop
    if X==i then
      a[i] = 2;
      a[i] = 3;
    end if;
  end for;
end evalTest;

The error message is: Interner Fehler NFCeval.evalRelationEqual failed to evaluate ‘X == 1‘

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Per Östlund, 5 years ago

Component: *unknown*New Instantiation
Owner: changed from somebody to Per Östlund

Such errors should have been fixed several months ago, and I can't reproduce the issue. Which version of OM are you using?

comment:2 by ulrich1a <ubrammer@…>, 5 years ago

I am using the following version:
OMEdit v1.14.0-dev.62+g21f82a33
Connected to OMCompiler v1.14.0-dev.269+g5dc61f678
Connected to OMSimulator v2.1.0-dev-148-gd6918bd-linux

I am getting the error with the Additional Translation Flags: -d=initialization -d=aliasConflicts +std=3.3 -d=newInst

I did compile OpenModelica on Debian Stretch a few days ago after pulling the latest commits.

comment:3 by ulrich1a <ubrammer@…>, 5 years ago

I may have to add, that it is required to finish OMEdit after setting the flag -d=newInst and start OMEdit again. Otherwise the flag has no effect.

comment:4 by Francesco Casella, 5 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I confirm that the problem is resolved if using the latest nightly build.

The version of OMCompiler that you are using dates back to 15 May, and it refers to the repository OpenModelica/OMCompiler which is now obsolete. Starting from mid-may, the OpenModelica source codes, that were previously stored in separate sub-projects, where brought under the OpenModelica/OpenModelica repository.

If you are compiling from sources, please make sure that you are using the latest commit. Otherwise, you can try the latest nightly build.

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