

20:30 compile-omc-r3682.log attached to Ticket #1018 by Dietmar Winkler
Error message failing compilation of omc.
20:28 Ticket #1018 (compilation of omc fails because folder "../build/include/" is not created) created by Dietmar Winkler
Just tried to compile omc from trunk r3682 and it fails because a …


11:09 Ticket #1016 (Variables "OSTYP" and "OS_MSYS" are used but are not instantiated in ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Hi, We could actually get rid of them as they were ment for a global …
11:05 Ticket #1016 (Variables "OSTYP" and "OS_MSYS" are used but are not instantiated in ...) created by donida
Within the /trunk/Compiler/omc_debug/Makefile.in file, the "OSTYP" and …
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