


23:32 Ticket #3312 (Macport OM Install on upgrade fails) created by dersh
Mac upgrade from 25866 to 25908 builds, but then fails to install. …


18:29 Ticket #3295 (OMEdit: Option "close all" and "close other" is missing in tab view) closed by adeas31
fixed: Fixed …


21:38 Ticket #3311 (Enable loading JS globally when inside the info annotation of package.mo) created by dietmarw
I have the use case that I like to use MathJax in the documentation of …
17:55 Ticket #3310 (Enable Line Wrapping) created by Spad
In version 1.9.3 r25570 if you need to unselect "Enable Line Wrapping" …
15:45 Ticket #3309 (A case of Assert malfunctioning?) created by ceraolo
The small package below shows what I presume is an OM (r25870) issue …
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13:49 Ticket #3308 (index reduction fails for tuple assignment) created by lochel
The following model leads wrongly to an over-determined system: […] …
00:00 Ticket #3307 (translation fails because of (lack of) potential and flow variables ...) created by mwetter
I want to export a fluid flow component (similar to Modelica.Fluid) as …


18:31 Ticket #3306 (New ipopt performance issues) created by sjoelund.se
I used https://github.com/coin-or/Ipopt.git branch stable/3.12 when …


07:20 Ticket #3305 (Derivative of homotopy) created by sjoelund.se
What is the derivative of homotopy? We have the following code …
01:20 Ticket #3304 (Allow assumptions for unassigned parameters argument when checking ...) created by dietmarw
When building and debugging models it's quite handy to also be able to …
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