


18:05 Ticket #3968 (Windows 64-bit gcc seg fault on large models) created by crupp@…
Continuation of sub-topic from #3963. Windows 64-bit gcc seg faults …
15:48 Ticket #3967 (Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) created by ptaeuber
Please consider the following model: […] It leads to the …
15:07 Ticket #3966 (zero detection or array index error) created by rahul.dutta.bits@…
I needed a table which can be modified runtime. I have implemented the …
12:25 Ticket #3965 (Support giving alarm time at the command line for rtest and runtests.pl) created by adrpo
Currently we impose a hardcoded 900 seconds alarm time for tests. To …


19:00 Ticket #3964 (MetaModelica support in OMEdit) created by adeas31
We now have some basic support for MetaModelica in OMEdit but there …


19:43 Ticket #3963 (Split C source code in more files for more efficient parallel compilation) created by casella
The MSL and ScalableTestSuite coverage logs …
16:53 Ticket #3962 (OMEdit variable overrides) created by crupp@…
At some time in the last year, OMEdit switched from using -override to …


12:21 Ticket #3961 (Expand parameter sensitivities to other result formats) created by wbraun
Currently parameter sensitivities are only support mat by the mat …
08:56 Ticket #3960 (FMU export generates empty Derivatives element in ModelStucture) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fixed in d59e2f/OMCompiler. Tested with …
07:54 Ticket #3960 (FMU export generates empty Derivatives element in ModelStucture) created by adrpo
When there are no derivatives the FMU export for Co-simulation …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.