


21:59 Ticket #4691 (Issue with smooth() in the NF) closed by casella
fixed: Fixed in …
16:56 Ticket #4722 (Example of (tested) PNlib crashes on Win7) reopened by christoph.brinkrolf@…
Compilation of PNlib.Examples.ConTest.PCtoTC is successful. Using …
16:27 Ticket #4722 (Example of (tested) PNlib crashes on Win7) closed by lochel
invalid: There is still something fishy, but it is not related to the dlls.
14:43 Ticket #4722 (Example of (tested) PNlib crashes on Win7) created by lochel
Apparently, libsundials_idas.dll is missing from the OM installer.
09:13 Ticket #4126 (OM-specific annotation to generate plots with code in model) closed by Christoph Buchner <buchner@…>
duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #4280, which has the more articulated/specific …


16:04 Ticket #4721 (Complex variables do not show documentation string in Variables Browser) created by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
Consider the following example: […] After simulating this model, …
15:34 Ticket #4720 (Online plots of failed verification on Hudson are not displayed) created by casella
When I try to visualize the plots that show verification failures of …
13:15 Ticket #2530 (translation error of model in comment1: "model MatricesExp....") reopened by anonymous
12:22 Ticket #4719 (Saving plot sessions) created by ceraolo
I'm not totally sure, but I think there are not tickets on this topic …


23:52 Ticket #4712 (Errors in the selection of start attributes within alias variable sets) closed by casella
invalid: Sorry for wasting your time, there was a stupid copy&paste bug in my …
10:41 Ticket #4713 (literal double value output by omc exceeds DBL_MAX) closed by sjoelund.se
invalid: The MSL code is probably wrong and should ideally use Constants.inf …
10:32 Ticket #4718 (Parameter is not evaluated at runtime) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in PR2117


15:18 Ticket #4718 (Parameter is not evaluated at runtime) created by sjoelund.se
y in the following model is never evaluated at run-time. It is part of …
14:23 Ticket #4717 (Cannot modify hidden classes) created by sjoelund.se
ModelicaServices and Complex now cannot be shown or unloaded, which …
11:25 Ticket #4716 (OMEdit - Simulation does not finish / crashes) created by julius.martensen@…
As I try to simulate any example within OMEdit, the model compiles …
06:51 Ticket #4715 (Problem with inline in MSL trunk) created by sjoelund.se
[https://libraries.openmodelica.org/branches/history/master/2018-01-17% …


13:36 Ticket #4714 (OMNotebook: documents get trashed) created by hkiel
In the current term at least 4 of 25 students encountered a problem in …
11:22 Ticket #4704 (OMNotebook: Cellcursor not updated correctly) closed by hkiel
fixed: Fixed in OMNotebook#48
06:47 Ticket #4713 (literal double value output by omc exceeds DBL_MAX) created by john.pye@…
Hi there While using omc from the Nightly builds, OpenModelica …
00:36 WikiStart edited by casella
00:36 PgpInstructions created by casella
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.