

20:26 Ticket #5914 (OMSens - OMSens dependencies as a part of OMEdit installation) created by John Tinnerholm
Currently, the OMSens plugin requires various dependencies making it …


16:15 Ticket #5913 (Interactive Environment - Problems with conditional drawing of connecting lines between connectors) created by Anton.Soppelsa@eurac.edu
Dear all, I spotted a potential problem/something I don't understand …
15:57 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Anton.Soppelsa@eurac.edu
Dear all, regarding point 2, I confirm that my model had problems. …
14:50 Ticket #5912 (OMEdit - problem running Montecarlo script from OMEdit) updated by Adrian Pop
Is this on MacOs?


18:31 run2.mos attached to Ticket #5912 by Olena Rogovchenko
18:31 HeatedTank_2019.v7.1_modes_def_exclusifs_ou_non.mo attached to Ticket #5912 by Olena Rogovchenko
18:30 Ticket #5912 (OMEdit - problem running Montecarlo script from OMEdit) created by Olena Rogovchenko
This script used to work in the old version of OMEdit and runs fine …
12:47 Ticket #5910 (New Instantiation - "Cannot resolve type of expression" when function output is given by ...) closed by Per Östlund
fixed: Fixed in 98a8dbc.


13:50 Ticket #5895 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not open result files) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 111b8a6/OpenModelica.
12:24 Ticket #5911 (Interactive Environment - NF API don't return qualified path) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner changed
12:24 P.mos attached to Ticket #5911 by Adeel Asghar
12:24 P.mo attached to Ticket #5911 by Adeel Asghar
12:24 Ticket #5911 (Interactive Environment - NF API don't return qualified path) created by Adeel Asghar
Run the attached script. The first output of the components without …
12:11 Ticket #5908 (OMEdit - OMEdit doesn't allow to wire a terminal if it is inside the standard ...) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 36a3ec8/OpenModelica.


16:36 Ticket #5910 (New Instantiation - "Cannot resolve type of expression" when function output is given by ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Milestone changed
16:36 Ticket #5910 (New Instantiation - "Cannot resolve type of expression" when function output is given by ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Status, Owner, Component changed
16:35 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Francesco Casella
For the record, the "Check" operation of OMEdit (Windows and Linux) …
15:39 Ticket #5895 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not open result files) updated by Francesco Casella
@adeas31would you mind having a look? I guess it is a quick fix. This …
15:00 GTest.zip attached to Ticket #5910 by dariomangoni@…
minimal example
14:59 Ticket #5910 (New Instantiation - "Cannot resolve type of expression" when function output is given by ...) created by dariomangoni@…
Basically, this works: […] while this doesn't […] error is: …
14:33 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Anton.Soppelsa@eurac.edu
Sorry Karim, I wasn't clear. My example cannot be executed because it …
13:57 Ticket #5909 (OMEdit - Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10) updated by Adeel Asghar
I fixed the problem on Gianni's PC. The problem is that the …


23:34 Ticket #5890 (OMPython - buildModel() fails with 'ModelicaSystem' object has no attribute ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Don't close this yet as the reading of reference_input.csv
23:30 Ticket #5890 (OMPython - buildModel() fails with 'ModelicaSystem' object has no attribute ...) reopened by Adrian Pop
20:25 Ticket #5909 (OMEdit - Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10) updated by Adeel Asghar
Hmmm not sure what is wrong. What happens if you run it with gdb. …
19:54 Ticket #5908 (OMEdit - OMEdit doesn't allow to wire a terminal if it is inside the standard ...) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status changed
19:49 Ticket #5909 (OMEdit - Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10) updated by Adeel Asghar
Everything looks fine in the logs. Can you do the following, - Delete …
19:01 Ticket #5909 (OMEdit - Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10) updated by Adrian Pop
We need: %TEMP%/OpenModelica/OMEdit directory as a zip. You could …
17:36 Ticket #5909 (OMEdit - Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10) created by Francesco Casella
My colleague Gianni Ferretti reports a strange case: he just bought a …
16:31 Test.mo attached to Ticket #5908 by Andrea Bartolini
16:31 Ticket #5908 (OMEdit - OMEdit doesn't allow to wire a terminal if it is inside the standard ...) created by Andrea Bartolini
Step to reproduce the issue: 1) open attached package Test 2) open the …
15:24 Ticket #5848 (OMSens - OMSens only detects topmost parameters of models) closed by John Tinnerholm
fixed: Fixed in https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/775
14:59 Ticket #5907 (OMEdit - Wrong repainting of diagrams of extended models in Omedit) updated by Francesco Casella
Wow, 2 1/2 hours for a fix. Fastest ever :)
14:16 Ticket #5907 (OMEdit - Wrong repainting of diagrams of extended models in Omedit) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 034e66b/OpenModelica.
12:35 Ticket #5907 (OMEdit - Wrong repainting of diagrams of extended models in Omedit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status changed
12:23 Screenshot from 2020-04-06 14-19-14.png attached to Ticket #5907 by Andrea Bartolini
12:23 Ticket #5907 (OMEdit - Wrong repainting of diagrams of extended models in Omedit) created by Andrea Bartolini
Please consider the following model: […] If you switch to diagram …
07:16 compilation error.txt attached to Ticket #5906 by sachin jadhav <sachinjadhav2004@…>
compilation error
07:15 Ticket #5906 (Code Generation - compilation error for curved bend) created by sachinjadhav2004@…
I have build a model containing two boundary condition and two static …


20:08 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Replying to anonymous: > Well, a smaller code to …
19:29 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by anonymous
Well, a smaller code to reproduce point 3) is this: […] I don't see …
18:12 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to anonymous: >This I think depends on the order …
16:16 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by anonymous
Dear Adrian, I tested it with v1.16.0-dev-262-g58c7a5314 (64-bit) and …
15:22 Ticket #5905 (OMEdit - Clean up large copy pasted code parts in OMEdit) created by Anatoly Trosinenko
While adding a Call Function context menu entry back in 2018, I have …
02:26 Ticket #5904 (*unknown* - Several issues) updated by Francesco Casella
@anonymous, please write to adrian.pop@… to ask for an account.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.