Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1269 Implement stream connectors one-to-one connection only adrpo task low Frontend
#1333 Rewrite Cevalfunc to use the instantiated DAE instead of SCode. adrpo task low Frontend
#1364 Generation of Expression.ASUB instead of ComponentReference adrpo defect normal Instantiation
#1332 Media: Redeclare record doesn't work correctly defect high
#1334 Do dependency analysis in instElementList task high
#1368 Zero crossings in algorithms in for loops are generated wrong adrpo defect high Simulation Code Generation
#1361 Ranges with negative step (and possibly the ones with start larger than stop) are not handled correctly adrpo defect critical Instantiation 1.6.0
#1238 Allow several .-modifiers kargu defect blocker
#1372 instantiation of example using Modelica.Math.Matrices.norm fails petar defect blocker
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.