Custom Query (9 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating assigned MSL trunk, MSL v.3.3.2-build.3-release Willi Braun defect high
#3847 Feature Request: Complete as you Type Class Member Drop-Down List assigned Autocomplete, code view, drop-down, class members Anatoly Trosinenko enhancement high
#4700 statealias elimination breaks models new state alias Volker Waurich defect high
#5371 Heat Exchanger Model works & simulates but doesn't actually transfer energy to raise outlet temperature new HE, results, simulation, FlueGas, Water, ThermoPower Lennart Ochel defect high
#6186 Assert triggered during initialization despite "not initial()" if-statement assigned assert, initial, algorithm Andreas Heuermann defect high
#6349 Failed to insert class Test_VSC within HVDCcomponents.Examples new Failed, Class, Within, Scope arunkumar palanisamy defect high
#2498 simulation fails with measureTime=true new measureTime Martin Sjölund defect normal
#4260 Build to JS impossible new javascript Martin Sjölund defect normal
#5905 Clean up large copy pasted code parts in OMEdit new copy-paste, pmd, cpd Adeel Asghar enhancement low
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