Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5574 Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic state selection new lochel defect blocker 1.19.0
#5784 Problems displaying text on menus and other elments new adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0
#5612 OMPython fails to load model in enhanced mode due to ValueError new alash325 defect critical Future
#5391 How do I fix the error, “Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations” new somebody defect high Future
#5414 Unsolvable Error pertaining to variable not found within model new lochel defect high Future
#5419 Interactive simulation crashing due to missed deadlines for all but the simplest models new somebody defect high
#5421 New FMU (OMEdit 1.13.2) failed load from cffi in lisp new lochel defect high
#5424 How do I access/locate the code fragment transformations while my model is being flattened? new somebody defect high Future
#5438 Process crashed Simulation Process Failed. Exited with code -1073741511. new adeas31 defect high
#5501 Occuring of error while saving a modified model assigned adrpo defect high
#5570 DrumBoiler assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5614 error in FMU instantiate in case of large models new lochel defect high
#5624 if else ODE and Algebraic Equation new lochel discussion high Future
#5638 The function readSimulationResultVars does not return the correct results. new somebody defect high
#5713 Compile openmodelica with icc and icpc assigned adrpo discussion high Future
#5540 plot window start new adeas31 defect normal Future
#5585 Parameter record editor new adeas31 enhancement normal
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