Opened 16 years ago
Last modified 15 years ago
#1035 closed defect (invalid)
mk_* prototypes missing in build
Reported by: | ebo | Owned by: | ebo |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | |
Component: | Version: | 1.4.5 | |
Keywords: | Cc: | ebo, |
Description ¶
I am working on building and installing OpenModelica on a gentoo system and came across the following problems:
All the mk_* prototypes are missing from a number of source files including Compiler/absyn_builder/parse.cpp, Compiler/absyn_builder/walker.g, Compiler/modpar/TaskGraphExt.cpp, Compiler/runtime/corbaimpl.cpp, Compiler/runtime/daeext.cpp, Compiler/runtime/errorext.cpp, and Compiler/runtime/ptolemyio.cpp. I was able to correct this with by including trunk/Compiler/absyn_builder/yacclib.h to the above source code. This compiles but dies later with the same functions undefined. I modified the appropriate Makefiles to include yacclib in the absyn_builder library.
As a note, I started with a protype portage ebuild of OpenModelica-1.4.4 and updated it for 1.45 and SVN. I think I am still missing some things being built or some package.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Best regards,
John (EBo) David --
ps: as soon as I get this all sorted out I'll post the diff's, ebuild and anything else that seems appropriate.
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 16 years ago
by , 16 years ago
Attachment: | OpenModelica-9999.ebuild added |
The attached files are gentoo (portage) ebuilds for version 1.4.5 and a live SVN version. These are really rough, but appear to work.
I would like you to review the changes in OpenModelica-1.4.5-build_fixes.patch for general inclusion back into the source tree.
Thanks and best regards,
EBo --
comment:2 by , 16 years ago
The mk_* functions are not missing.
We moved them into RML, to fix a memory leak and have
all the allocation from C garbage collected automatically.
You need to take the RML from Subversion to have them:|
Adrian Pop/
comment:3 by , 16 years ago
Dr. Pop,
So if I understand you correctly I need an experimental version of rml to solve this. OK... Now this experimental version of RML is triggering a bug in SML during configuration... More on that in a separate bug report.
The odd OMShell startup bug was caused by not rebooting or running /etc/profile in the window I window I was testing in (although I did run it in another one...). Sorry for the confusion.