Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1036 closed defect (fixed)

linux configuration and builds

Reported by: ebo Owned by: ebo
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Version:
Keywords: Cc: ebo,



I am having a a rather difficult time building Open Modelica. Searching the web I found that a number of people have commented on how fragile the build process is on Linux. If I took the time to overhaul the build system would you be willing to upload the changes? If not I will do what I need to do to make my life easier, otherwise I'll talk to my major professor and see how much time he thinks I should spend on this.

Thanks and best regards,

EBo --

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Adrian Pop, 16 years ago


By all means, we would be really glad if
you can make the build on Linux more robust.

I could even give you write access to the repository if you want to make changes.
However, I would like to test the changes myself a bit before you push them in.
I try to keep things compilable on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

Adrian Pop/

comment:2 by ebo, 16 years ago

Dr. Pop,

Good to know. I'll take it up with my advisor tomorrow and see if he thinks if OpenModelica is a direction we want to go with the research, and if so how much time I should spend on this effort.

Regardless, I'll send you or post what I come with in the mean time. I have updated ebuilds for OpenModelica, rml, and smlnj. I am currently recompiling the system after updating smlnj and the SVN version of rml.

Thanks and best regads,

EBo --

comment:3 by Martin Sjölund, 15 years ago

Closing this as we have improved a lot on the old build system, even doing automatic nightly builds.

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