Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1092 closed defect (invalid)

Simulation of tank model fails

Reported by: krsta Owned by: krsta
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Version:
Keywords: Cc: krsta,


From: owner-openmodelicainterest@…
owner-openmodelicainterest@… On Behalf Of Vasaiely, Parham
Sent: den 23 mars 2009 14:24

Hello OpenModelica users,

we have discovered some behavior of OMC that we didn't expect: When we
simulate the 2 tanks model (OMNotebook chapter 12.1 "Modeling a Tank
System", the part "Object Oriented Component-based (p. 386)" than the last
part "7. Simulation of TanksConnectedPI") from startTime greater than 0 then
OMC (version 1.4.5) doesn't return the results starting form the startTime
but results starting from startTime=0. Here are our commands and resulting

*Note: "numberOfIntervals" is used for integer time steps.

simulate(Demo.TwoTanks.TanksConnectedPI, startTime=0, stopTime=400,
numberOfIntervals=400, tolerance=1e-4)


T -> tank1.h
0 -> 0
1 -> 0.02
2 -> 0.04
3 -> 0.06
4 -> 0.08
5 -> 0.1
6 -> 0.12
7 -> 0.14

simulate(Demo.TwoTanks.TanksConnectedPI, startTime=5, stopTime=400,
numberOfIntervals=395, tolerance=1e-4)


T -> tank1.h
5 -> 0 (THIS SHOULD BE 0.1)
6 -> 0.02 (THIS SHOULD BE 0.12)
7 -> 0.04 (THIS SHOULD BE 0.14)

You can see more difference by using a start time grater than 100.

Is it a correct behavior or a bug of the OMC?

Here is the Modelica code for the two tank model:

package TwoTanks
  model TanksConnectedPI
    LiquidSource source(flowLevel = 0.02);
    Tank tank1(area = 1);
    Tank tank2(area = 1.3);
    PIcontinuousController piContinuous1(ref = 0.25);
    PIcontinuousController piContinuous2(ref = 0.4);

  end TanksConnectedPI;
  model Tank
    ReadSignal tSensor "Connector, sensor reading tank level (m)";
    ActSignal tActuator "Connector, actuator controlling input flow";
    LiquidFlow qIn "Connector, flow (m3/s) through input valve";
    LiquidFlow qOut "Connector, flow (m3/s) through output valve";
    parameter Real area(unit = "m2") = 0.5;
    parameter Real flowGain(unit = "m2/s") = 0.05;
    parameter Real minV = 0,maxV = 10;
    Real h(start = 0.0, unit = "m") "Tank level";

    assert(minV >= 0, "minV - minimum Valve level must be >= 0 ");
    der(h) = (qIn.lflow - qOut.lflow) / area;
    qOut.lflow = limitValue(minV, maxV,  -flowGain * tActuator.act);
    tSensor.val = h;
  end Tank;
  connector ReadSignal "Reading fluid level"
    Real val(unit = "m");
  end ReadSignal;
  model PIcontinuousController
    extends BaseController(K = 2, T = 10);
    Real x "State variable of continuous PI controller";

    der(x) = error / T;
    outCtr = K * (error + x);
  end PIcontinuousController;
  model LiquidSource
    LiquidFlow qOut;
    parameter Real flowLevel = 0.02;

    qOut.lflow = if time > 150 then 3 * flowLevel else flowLevel;
  end LiquidSource;
  connector LiquidFlow "Liquid flow at inlets or outlets"
    Real lflow(unit = "m3/s");
  end LiquidFlow;
  function limitValue
    input Real pMin;
    input Real pMax;
    input Real p;
    output Real pLim;
    pLim:=if p > pMax then pMax else if p < pMin then pMin else p;
  end limitValue;
  partial model BaseController
    parameter Real Ts(unit = "s") = 0.1 "Time period between discrete
    parameter Real K = 2 "Gain";
    parameter Real T(unit = "s") = 10 "Time constant";
    ReadSignal cIn "Input sensor level, connector";
    ActSignal cOut "Control to actuator, connector";
    parameter Real ref "Reference level";
    Real error "Deviation from reference level";
    Real outCtr "Output control signal";

    error = ref - cIn.val;
    cOut.act = outCtr;
  end BaseController;
  connector ActSignal "Signal to actuator for setting valve position"
    Real act;
  end ActSignal;
end TwoTanks;

Thanks for your support!

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Change History (4)

comment:1 by rruusu, 16 years ago

Look at the declaration of {{Tank.h}}:


Real h(start = 0.0, unit = "m") "Tank level";


The {{start = 0.0}} refers to the value at the start of simulation, no matter what the actual value of {{time}} is. Setting the {{startTime}} only affects the value of {{time}} at the start of the simulation, not the starting values of the dependent variables.

I think what is wanted here is a feature for starting the data output after an initial period of discarded results. (The solver can't just jump to a later point in time, after all.)

So I don't think this is a bug.

comment:2 by Per Östlund, 15 years ago

Closing, since it's not really a bug.

by anonymous, 13 years ago

Attachment: added

by anonymous, 13 years ago

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