Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#2221 new defect

Documentation of Scripting and Communication Protocol

Reported by: Peter Fritzson Owned by: somebody
Priority: critical Milestone: Future
Component: Interactive Environment Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc: openmodelicadevelopers@…


Feedback from Bill Janssen:

Document the current OM scripting and communication protocol
(e.g. as used between OMEdit and OMC), and in the longer term redesign part of it to make it more consistent.

This is important for eliminating some bugs and misunderstandings
in the OM clients, and making the

OpenModelica scripting environment is already documented

The only problem is that it doesn’t include the interactive module which is almost half of the scripting environment.
We should move all the stuff from interactive to CevalScript & ModelicaBuiltin. Martin had been suggesting this from a very long time now.

We can start now by documenting the existing interactive module API
including small examples, right now, before moving it to
ModeliaBuiltin which will involve some redesign.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Martin Sjölund, 12 years ago

Cc: openmodelicadevelopers@… added
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