Custom Query (792 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 792)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2850 Redeclared models use wrong icon adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#2891 Hierarchical editing of models adeas31 enhancement blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#3915 Rename feature missing in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#3977 Better diagnostics for non-balanced models lochel enhancement blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4032 Using Extern C function compiler generates duplicate variables. lochel defect blocker Future Code Generation
#4141 Important missing feature: Allow save and opening of Modelica files containing syntax errors adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#4598 OMEdit should not hang for more than a few seconds adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#4809 OMEdit cannot deal with component parameters deriving from more than one inheritance step adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#4848 Linear equations are not detailed in the debugger adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5036 Better code generation for constant arrays lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Code Generation
#5245 Trim or possibly remove library patch files enhancement blocker 2.0.0 Third-Party Libraries
#5252 Misleading and incomplete output regarding conflicting start and nominal attributes lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5302 PowerSystems models with redundant intial conditions cannot be handled by backend lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5328 ODE solver behaves erratically in two MultiBody examples with dynamic state selection Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Run-time
#5346 Duplicate model function in OMEdit should work without compromises adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5350 MSL 3.2.3 FFT function does not work correctly defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#5394 Perform CI testing on OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5395 OMEdit generates invalid displayUnit modifiers for arrays of parameters adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5407 Make the input of array parameters a humane experience adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5408 GUI annotations are not inherited correctly somebody defect blocker 2.0.0 Interactive Environment
#5418 Avoid confusing error messages from the solvers adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5427 Proper handling of library versions in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5473 AST_BatchPlant test case fails defect blocker 2.0.0 Third-Party Libraries
#5487 Add -nfAPI flag to existing API tests in the testsuite adrpo enhancement blocker 1.19.0 Testing Framework
#5488 Complete coverage test of MSL 3.2.3 OMEdit NF API calls adrpo enhancement blocker 1.19.0 Testing Framework
#5509 Make Simulation Setup dependent of target language adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5535 Inheritence of classes with same elements results in doubling adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5543 OMEdit does not check if added connections are valid adrpo defect blocker 2.0.0 NF API
#5547 Including c-files from external_solvers for nonlinearSolverHomotopy lochel enhancement blocker 2.0.0 FMI
#5574 Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic state selection lochel defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#5581 FMU - ME accuracy lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 FMI
#5590 Bad dynamic state selection leads to singular initialization Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#5597 Two examples of the new Modelica.Electrical.Batteries package do not work with the new frontend perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5600 removeEqualFunctionCalls should be better documented and merged with comSubExp lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5605 Parameter with only start value not accepted perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5609 Redeclared model shows icon of base class adrpo defect blocker 1.19.0 NF API
#5639 Issues with WasteWater library perost defect blocker 1.19.0 *unknown*
#5645 Bad quality of SVG export of diagram view adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5649 Summary of issues with diffModelicaListings adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 Interactive Environment
#5650 OMEdit does not update the cache adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5709 Equidistant time grid not working properly somebody defect blocker 1.19.0 *unknown*
#5720 Do not allow to install on directories where the user does not have admin rights adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 Installation program
#5724 Make sure OMEdit doesn't break if inappropriate flags are selected adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5731 One-click bug report solution for OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5743 Export of plotted variables broken for parameters somebody defect blocker 1.19.0 Scripts
#5767 Issues with BranchingDynamicPipes and homotopy-based initialization AnHeuermann defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#5768 Model HeatExchangerSimulation fails when using homotopy AnHeuermann defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#5775 memory leak in FMUs using CombiTimeTable lochel defect blocker 1.19.0 FMI
#5784 Problems displaying text on menus and other elments adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5788 Cannot input parameters redefined in child models using OMEdit adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5811 Install OMC for Jenkins in the most problematic paths adrpo enhancement blocker 1.19.0 Testing Framework
#5828 [NFApi] The -d=nfAPI misses parameters in dialogs somebody defect blocker 1.19.0 Interactive Environment
#5837 Unit checking is not performed on operator record equations perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5847 Constant is used without having been given a value perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5855 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 4.0.0 models casella defect blocker 2.0.0 *unknown*
#5857 MSL OpAmp simulation results in OM lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5862 Make it possible to manage variable modifiers in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5866 Update Save Total to NF perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5926 Save a proper result file when interrupting a simulation lochel defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#5981 OMEdit does not handle correctly modified inherited parameters adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5982 Support macros text strings within diagrams adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#5985 Code foldings for ssp source code adeas31 enhancement blocker 2.0.0 OMEdit
#6029 Add new MSL 4.0.0 reference files to Jenkins for Cppruntime enhancement blocker 1.19.0 Testing Framework
#6039 Allow to change parameters before resimulating when -iif is used to import start values AnHeuermann enhancement blocker 1.19.0 Run-time
#6047 The NF incorrectly infers the variability of a function call in Modelica.Media perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6048 FMI testing of models without states behaves in a bizarre way defect blocker 1.19.0 Testing Framework
#6051 Provide better feedback on advance rate of simulations in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#6052 Issue with analyzeInitialSystem in HanserModelica Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Initialization
#6053 Issue with ASCC and state selection in HanserModelica Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#6085 Problem with licensed models adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEncryption
#6102 IDAS sensitivity yields absurd results Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#6123 Preserve order of modifiers in OMEdit adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#6142 Allow to set parameter values in redeclared elements in OMEdit adrpo enhancement blocker 1.19.0 OMEdit
#6149 The NF accepts illegal type declarations? perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6150 The debugger output with dummy derivatives is inconsistent and confusing Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#6237 Wrong behaviour with conditional equation driven by boolean variable Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#6294 The complexity of matching and sorting deteriorated badly between 1.13 and 1.14 Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#6340 Automatically recognize if a model is best run with daeMode AnHeuermann enhancement blocker 2.0.0 *unknown*
#6383 Omc doesn't check correctly the constraining-clause perost defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6386 Better diagnostics for over- and under-determined systems Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 2.0.0 *unknown*
#1177 Redesign and set up restrictions for simplication of expressions petar discussion critical Future *unknown*
#1814 Typechecker incorrectly unifies distinct types through polymorphic type variables somebody defect critical Future Frontend
#2221 Documentation of Scripting and Communication Protocol somebody defect critical Future Interactive Environment
#2222 OMPython interface loses sequence info and OMPython exit bug alash325 defect critical Future OMPython
#2634 underdetermined initialization problems lead to division by zero lochel defect critical Future Backend
#2734 numeric evaluation of expressions in the symbolic pre-processing somebody defect critical Future Frontend
#2870 Non-linear solver is unable to handle HeatingSystem (msl32) properly wbraun defect critical Future Run-time
#2946 events are treated badly somebody defect critical Future Run-time
#3389 make [dist]clean broken defect critical Future Build Environment
#3399 Add more granularity to function evaluation somebody defect critical Future Frontend
#3565 OMC does not tell the user what it is doing defect critical *unknown*
#3905 findZeroCrossings scales as O(N^2) defect critical Backend
#3937 ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver somebody defect critical Future Run-time
#4024 Bugs in generating xml files lochel defect critical Code Generation
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. lochel defect critical 2.0.0 Backend
#4131 Superfluous variables and parameters are part of the simulation lochel defect critical Future Backend
#4221 OmOptim crashes after model selection hubert.thieriot defect critical Future OMOptim
#4330 Split OMEdit from systems librarys and introduce a library download manager enhancement critical Future Third-Party Libraries
#4362 Always check how new methods scale with the problem size lochel discussion critical Backend
#4477 C++ Runtime Regression for pre(array) crefs somebody defect critical Cpp Run-time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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