Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2253 closed defect (fixed)

pre(v) is chosen instead of v

Reported by: Lennart Ochel Owned by: probably noone
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.0
Component: Backend Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


We generate wrong variables in some cases. For example in testsuite/simulation/modelica/others/sample3.mos:

states variables
| [1] Real $dummy(start=0, nominal=1) = 0 (pre: 0)
derivatives variables
| [2] Real der($dummy) = 0 (pre: 0)
other real variables
integer variables
| [1] Integer cntr2(start=2) = 2 (pre: 2)
| [2] Integer cntr1(start=0) = 0 (pre: 0)
| [3] Integer i2.el.val(start=0) = 40 (pre: 0)
| [4] Integer i1.el.val(start=0) = 1 (pre: 0)
| [5] Integer $PRE.i3.el.val(start=0) = 0 (pre: 0)
boolean variables
| [1] Boolean clock2(start=false) = false (pre: false)
| [2] Boolean clock1(start=false) = false (pre: false)
| [3] Boolean $whenCondition2(start=false) = false (pre: false)
| [4] Boolean $whenCondition1(start=false) = false (pre: false)
string variables

There should be i3.el.val instead of $PRE.i3.el.val.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Lennart Ochel, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

fixed in r16413.

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