Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2288 closed defect (fixed)

inconsistent solver flag

Reported by: Lennart Ochel Owned by: Lennart Ochel
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.0
Component: Run-time Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


If you run a simulation executable with -help=s you get this Output:

stdout            | info    | detaild flag-description for: <-s=value> or <-s value>
|                 | |       | value specifies the solver
|                 | |       |   dassl
|                 | |       |   euler
|                 | |       |   rungekutta
|                 | |       |   inline-euler
|                 | |       |   inline-rungekutta
|                 | |       |   dasslwort
|                 | |       |   dasslSymJac
|                 | |       |   dasslNumJac
|                 | |       |   dasslColorSymJac
|                 | |       |   dasslInternalNumJac
|                 | |       |   qss

If you run a simulation executable with an invalid solver (e.g. -s=foo) you get this list of available solvers:

stdout            | info    |  | Unrecognized solver: foo.
stdout            | info    |  | valid solvers are: dassl, euler, rungekutta, inline-euler, inline-rungekutta, dasslwort, dasslSymJac, dasslNumJac, dasslColorSymJac, dasslInternalNumJac, qss, radau1, radau3, radau5, lobatto2, lobatto4 or lobatto6

Please, keep the runtime consistent. This is quite easy due to the existing structure used by (most of the) other flags.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Lennart Ochel, 12 years ago

The runtime is even worse than I thought. This is also a general issue of all the other flags.

comment:2 by Lennart Ochel, 12 years ago

Fixed detailed help text for –iim and –iom in r16639.
Todo: -clock, -measureTimePlotFormat and –s (The solver flag is the only important one.)

comment:3 by Lennart Ochel, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from Vitalij Ruge to Lennart Ochel
Status: newaccepted

comment:4 by Lennart Ochel, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

fixed in r16645.

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