Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#3169 closed defect (fixed)

Under Mac OS X, FMU binaries directory should be darwin64, not x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0

Reported by: cxh@… Owned by: Martin Sjölund
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.9.2
Component: FMI Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


Under Mac OS X, using the OpenModelica svn head from 20-Feb-2015, when exporting the BouncingBall fmu using openmodelica/testsuite/openmodelica/fmi/ModelExchange/2.0/BouncingBall.mos, the fmu is created with binaries/x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0. According to the FMI-2.0 standard, it should be binaries/darwin64.

Here's how to reproduce:

bash-3.2$ mkdir /tmp/test                                                                                   
bash-3.2$ cd /tmp/test                                                                                      
bash-3.2$ uname -a                                                                                          
Darwin eallmac23.local 13.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Wed Dec 17 19:05:52 PST 2014; root:xnu-2422.115\
.10~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64                                                                                 
bash-3.2$ cp ~/src/openmodelica/testsuite/openmodelica/fmi/ModelExchange/2.0/BouncingBall.mos .             
bash-3.2$ omc BouncingBall.mos                                                                              
"SimCode: The model BouncingBallFMI20 has been translated to FMU"                                           
"Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. Use +d=initialization for more information.       
record SimulationResult                                                                                     
    resultFile = "",                                                                                        
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 3.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-06, metho\
d = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'BouncingBallFMI20_me_FMU', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilte\
r = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = ''",                                                                      
    messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: BouncingBallFMI20_me_FMU                             
module = FMILIB, log level = FATAL: Could not change to the DLL directory /private/tmp/test/binaries/darwin\
module = FMILIB, log level = FATAL: The FMU contains no binary for this platform.                           
assert            | debug   | Loading of FMU dynamic link library failed with status : UNEXPECTED           
assert            | info    | simulation terminated by an assertion at initialization                       
Limited backtrace at point of segmentation fault                                                            
/bin/sh: line 1: 43206 Segmentation fault: 11  ( \"/private/tmp/test/BouncingBallFMI20_me_FMU\" )           
    timeFrontend = 0.057755745,                                                                             
    timeBackend = 0.015780989,                                                                              
    timeSimCode = 0.01223577,                                                                               
    timeTemplates = 0.030908571,                                                                            
    timeCompile = 0.462934843                                                                               
end SimulationResult;                                                                                       
"Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. Use +d=initialization for more information.       
 bash-3.2$ fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                           
[INFO][FMUCHK] FMI compliance checker Test [FMILibrary: Test] build date: Jan  5 2015                       
[INFO][FMUCHK] Called with following options:                                                               
[INFO][FMUCHK] fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                      
[INFO][FMUCHK] Will process FMU BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                       
[INFO][FMILIB] XML specifies FMI standard version 2.0                                                       
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model name: BouncingBallFMI20                                                                
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model GUID: {8c4e810f-3df3-4a00-8276-176fa3c9f9e0}                                           
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model version:                                                                               
[INFO][FMUCHK] FMU kind: ModelExchange                                                                      
[INFO][FMUCHK] The FMU contains:                                                                            
0 constants                                                                                                 
2 parameters                                                                                                
2 discrete variables                                                                                        
4 continuous variables                                                                                      
0 inputs                                                                                                    
0 outputs                                                                                                   
6 local variables                                                                                           
0 independent variables                                                                                     
0 calculated parameters                                                                                     
7 real variables                                                                                            
0 integer variables                                                                                         
0 enumeration variables                                                                                     
1 boolean variables                                                                                         
0 string variables                                                                                          
[INFO][FMUCHK] Printing output file header                                                                  
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model identifier for ModelExchange: BouncingBallFMI20                                        
[FATAL][FMILIB] Could not change to the DLL directory /private/tmp/fmucktmpCpXJnr/binaries/darwin64/        
[FATAL][FMILIB] The FMU contains no binary for this platform.                                               
[FATAL][FMUCHK] Could not create the DLL loading mechanism(C-API) for ME.                                   
FMU check summary:                                                                                          
FMU reported:                                                                                               
        0 warning(s) and error(s)                                                                           
Checker reported:                                                                                           
        0 Warning(s)                                                                                        
        3 Error(s)                                                                                          
        3 Fatal error(s) occurred during processing    

bash-3.2$ mkdir tmp                                                                                         
bash-3.2$ cd tmp                                                                                            
bash-3.2$ unzip ../BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                                    
Archive:  ../BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                                          
   creating: binaries/                                                                                      
   creating: binaries/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/                                                            
  inflating: binaries/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/BouncingBallFMI20.dylib                                     
 extracting: binaries/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.libs                                  
  inflating: modelDescription.xml                                                                           
   creating: sources/                                                                                       
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20.c                                                                    
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_01exo.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_02nls.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_03lsy.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_04set.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_05evt.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_06inz.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_07dly.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_08bnd.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_09alg.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_10asr.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_11mix.c                                                              
 extracting: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_11mix.h                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_12jac.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_12jac.h                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_13opt.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_13opt.h                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_14lnz.c                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.c                                                                
 extracting: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.libs                                                             
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.makefile                                                         
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_functions.c                                                          
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_functions.h                                                          
 extracting: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_includes.h                                                           
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_info.c                                                               
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_init.c                                                               
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_literals.h                                                           
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_model.h                                                              
  inflating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_records.c                                                            
  inflating: sources/modelDescription.xml                                                                   
bash-3.2$ mv binaries/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/ binaries/darwin64  

bash-3.2$ zip -r ../BouncingBallFMI20.fmu *                                                                 
updating: binaries/ (stored 0%)                                                                             
updating: modelDescription.xml (deflated 73%)                                                               
updating: sources/ (stored 0%)                                                                              
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20.c (deflated 76%)                                                        
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_01exo.c (deflated 61%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_02nls.c (deflated 59%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_03lsy.c (deflated 63%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_04set.c (deflated 59%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_05evt.c (deflated 66%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_06inz.c (deflated 72%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_07dly.c (deflated 59%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_08bnd.c (deflated 69%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_09alg.c (deflated 59%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_10asr.c (deflated 58%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_11mix.c (deflated 61%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_11mix.h (stored 0%)                                                     
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_12jac.c (deflated 77%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_12jac.h (deflated 84%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_13opt.c (deflated 62%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_13opt.h (deflated 54%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_14lnz.c (deflated 62%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.c (deflated 81%)                                                    
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.libs (stored 0%)                                                    
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.makefile (deflated 66%)                                             
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_functions.c (deflated 46%)                                              
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_functions.h (deflated 48%)                                              
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_includes.h (stored 0%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_info.c (deflated 88%)                                                   
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_init.c (deflated 81%)                                                   
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_literals.h (deflated 59%)                                               
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_model.h (deflated 80%)                                                  
updating: sources/BouncingBallFMI20_records.c (deflated 24%)                                                
updating: sources/modelDescription.xml (deflated 73%)                                                       
  adding: binaries/darwin64/ (stored 0%)                                                                    
  adding: binaries/darwin64/BouncingBallFMI20.dylib (deflated 72%)                                          
  adding: binaries/darwin64/BouncingBallFMI20_FMU.libs (stored 0%)                                          
bash-3.2$ cd ..                                                                                             
bash-3.2$ fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu   
bash-3.2$ fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                           
[INFO][FMUCHK] FMI compliance checker Test [FMILibrary: Test] build date: Jan  5 2015                       
[INFO][FMUCHK] Called with following options:                                                               
[INFO][FMUCHK] fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                      
[INFO][FMUCHK] Will process FMU BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                       
[INFO][FMILIB] XML specifies FMI standard version 2.0                                                       
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model name: BouncingBallFMI20                                                                
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model GUID: {8c4e810f-3df3-4a00-8276-176fa3c9f9e0}                                           
[INFO][FMUCHK] Model version:                                                                               
[INFO][FMUCHK] FMU kind: ModelExchange                                                                      
[INFO][FMUCHK] The FMU contains:                                                                            
0 constants                                                                                                 
2 parameters                                                                                                
2 discrete variables                                                                                        
4 continuous variables                                                                                      
0 inputs                                                                                                    
0 outputs                                                                                                   
6 local variables                                                                                           
0 independent variables                                                                                     
0 calculated parameters                                                                                     
7 real variables                                                                                            
0 integer variables                                                                                         
0 enumeration variables                 


[INFO][FMUCHK] Simulation finished successfully at time 1                                                   
Segmentation fault: 11                                                                                      

Note that the BouncingBall segfaults under MacOS.

Running with a debug version of fmuCheck yields:

[INFO][FMUCHK] FMI compliance checker Test [FMILibrary: Test] build date: Feb 19 2015                       
[INFO][FMUCHK] Called with following options:                                                               
[INFO][FMUCHK] /Users/cxh/src/fmi/FMUChecker-2.0.1/build/fmuCheck.darwin64 BouncingBallFMI20.fmu            
[INFO][FMUCHK] Will process FMU BouncingBallFMI20.fmu                                                       
[INFO][FMILIB] XML specifies FMI standard version 2.0                                                       
Assertion failed: (index < a->size), function jm_vector_get_itemp_char, file /Users/cxh/src/fmi/FMUChecker-\
2.0.1/FMIL/src/Util/include/JM/jm_vector.h, line 352.

I'll submit a separate bug for this that refers to this bug

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Rüdiger Franke, 10 years ago

We are progressing towards more sensible names.


will be allowed in FMI 2.0.1 according to current discussions. See

Then it would be possible to distinguish e.g. iMac from iPad.

comment:2 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

We changed from using uname to $host (in autoconf), and so the openmodelica spec changed, and darwin64 no longer detected...

r24672 should fix this.

comment:3 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

Owner: changed from Adeel Asghar to Martin Sjölund
Status: newaccepted

comment:4 by Martin Sjölund, 10 years ago

Milestone: Future1.9.2
Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

comment:5 by cxh@…, 10 years ago

This bug is back. The fmu contains binaries/x86_64-darwin13.4.0/ instead of binaries/darwin64/

To replicate: contains:

model HeatConductor "Test model for QSS"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Example;

Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TOut "Outside temperature"
  annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-140,-20},{-100,20}})));

Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TSur "Surface temperature"
  annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,70},{120,90}})));

Real x "State";
initial equation
der(x) = TOut-x;
TSur = x;

 annotation (uses(Modelica(version="3.2.1")), Diagram(coordinateSystem(
   preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics));

end HeatConductor;

HeatConductor.mos contains:

loadModel(Modelica, {"3.2.1"});
loadFile(""); getErrorString();

Create a fmu:

bash-3.2$ omc --version
1.9.3+dev (r25132)
bash-3.2$ omc HeatConductor.mos
"SimCode: The model HeatConductor has been translated to FMU"
bash-3.2$ mkdir tmp
bash-3.2$ cd tmp
bash-3.2$ ls -l ../HeatConductor.fmu
-rw-r--r--  1 cxh  staff  55637 Mar 18 20:32 ../HeatConductor.fmu
bash-3.2$ unzip ../HeatConductor.fmu
Archive:  ../HeatConductor.fmu
   creating: binaries/
   creating: binaries/x86_64-darwin13.4.0/
  inflating: binaries/x86_64-darwin13.4.0/HeatConductor.dylib
 extracting: binaries/x86_64-darwin13.4.0/HeatConductor_FMU.libs

binaries/x86_64-darwin13.4.0/ should be binaries/darwin64/

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