Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#3411 new defect

Compiler does not detect unassigned variable in some cases with if equations

Reported by: Adrian Pop Owned by: Martin Sjölund
Priority: high Milestone: Future
Component: MetaModelica Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc: Willi Braun

Description (last modified by Adrian Pop)

The compiler does not detect that b3 is not assigned and because of that the behavior is undefined and random. See also 92eaf4/OMCompiler

protected function inlineWhenEq
  "inlines function calls in when equations"
  input BackendDAE.WhenEquation inWhenEquation;
  input Inline.Functiontuple fns;
  input DAE.ElementSource inSource;
  output BackendDAE.WhenEquation outWhenEquation;
  output DAE.ElementSource outSource;
  output Boolean inlined;
  (outWhenEquation,outSource,inlined) := matchcontinue(inWhenEquation)
      DAE.ComponentRef cref;
      DAE.Exp e,e_1,cond;
      BackendDAE.WhenEquation weq,weq_1;
      DAE.ElementSource source;
      Boolean b1,b2,b3;
      list<DAE.Statement> assrtLst;
      BackendDAE.WhenEquation we, elsewe;
      Option<BackendDAE.WhenEquation> oelsewe;
      list<BackendDAE.WhenOperator> whenStmtLst;

    case BackendDAE.WHEN_STMTS(condition=cond, whenStmtLst=whenStmtLst, elsewhenPart = oelsewe)
        (cond, source, b1,_) = Inline.inlineExp(cond, fns, inSource);
        (whenStmtLst, b2) = inlineWhenOps(whenStmtLst, fns);

        if isSome(oelsewe) then
          SOME(elsewe) = oelsewe;
          (elsewe, source, b3) = inlineWhenEq(elsewe, fns, source);
          oelsewe = SOME(elsewe);
          oelsewe = NONE();
          // the compiler does not detect that b3 is not assigned
          // b3 = false;
        end if;
      then (BackendDAE.WHEN_STMTS(cond, whenStmtLst, oelsewe), source, b1 or b2 or b3);

  end matchcontinue;
end inlineWhenEq;

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Adrian Pop, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Adrian Pop, 10 years ago

See also #3412.

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