Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#3429 closed defect (fixed)

Logging changed to the worse

Reported by: Rüdiger Franke Owned by: Martin Flehmig
Priority: high Milestone: 1.9.3
Component: Cpp Run-time Version: trunk
Keywords: cpp runtime Cc: Martin Flehmig, Marcus Walther


Yesterday the commit "* Typos, Indention, Logging" suggested some polishing. But at least one thing has changed to the worse.

Yesterday I got for quite some models, e.g. Modelica.Fluid.Examples.InverseParameterization, the message:

simulation error message : Variable orifice.dp_small out of [min, max] interval: orifice.dp_small >= 611.657 and orifice.dp_small <= 100000000.0 has value: 1

This message helped was helpful. Today I get

simulation error message : Could initialize system.

This is not only the opposite of what happened, it is also completely unspecific!

Change History (12)

comment:1 by Lennart Ochel, 10 years ago

Keywords: cpp runtime added

comment:2 by Rüdiger Franke, 10 years ago

@lochel: you might also adapt the list of Components that can be selected for a ticket. For instance rename "FMI-CPP" to "Cpp Run-time"

comment:3 by Adrian Pop, 10 years ago

Component: Run-timeCPP Run-time
Owner: changed from somebody to Marcus Walther

I changed the FMI-CPP to CPP Run-time.

comment:4 by Marcus Walther, 10 years ago

Owner: changed from Marcus Walther to Martin Flehmig
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by Martin Flehmig, 10 years ago

Last edited 10 years ago by Adrian Pop (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Martin Flehmig, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:7 by Rüdiger Franke, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

There is a misspelled newline. See e.g.:

Don't get me wrong -- but this log shows up in many test reports once the testsuite will be updated -- and all these tests will formally fail if the log output changes.

comment:8 by Marcus Walther, 10 years ago

Hi Rüdiger,
Martin has just changed the output if an exception occurs. Of course the "\n" issue must be fixed. But if I understand you correctly, you said that we have models with an error-message in their expected output? That should not be the case in my opinion. If an error occurs, the test should fail (except it is a test case that should test the error handling, but I think we do not have such a case).

comment:9 by Rüdiger Franke, 10 years ago

I'm referring to the testsuite/simulation/libraries/msl32_cpp, where all models are tested. You might be right if a model that enconters a simulation error would at most be tested for compilation. Don't we have logs for error recoveries during simulation?

comment:10 by Martin Flehmig, 10 years ago

Thanks for the hin regarding the misspelled newline. This is fixed in commit 385a51dff3374efbcccaa4ffe07ee28b68bd3c90.

comment:11 by Marcus Walther, 10 years ago

@rfranke: Can we now set the ticket to "fixed"?

comment:12 by Rüdiger Franke, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
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