Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#3898 closed defect (fixed)

FMU co-simulation issues

Reported by: richard.payne@… Owned by: Adrian Pop
Priority: high Milestone: Future
Component: FMI Version:
Keywords: co-simulation Cc:


I am trying to run a co-simulation using the INTO-CPS COE and a mixture of VDM-RT, 20-sim and OM FMUs. I am using the baseline Three tank OpenModelica model in INTO-CPS SVN\WP3\T3_5_Pilot_Studies\Three Tank\Baseline\OpenModelica\Tanks and using OMEdit (v. 1.10 in the INTO-CPS 0.0.6 bundle) to export the FMUs as demonstrated in the Year 1 review video.

I have encountered a couple of issues:

1) When co-simulating using the FMU as exported I get the error:

Failed to load and parse model defintion in: ..\ThreeTank\vOM\Tanks_Examples_WaterTanks1.fmu Reason: Invalid ModelDescription: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'InitialUnknowns' is not complete. One of '{Unknown}' is expected. at 416:23

If I uncompress the FMU and remove the


section of the ModelDescription file, the error does not occur, but I get the next problem:

2) When changing the configuration to be the FMU with altered ModelDescription file, I simply get the error:

An FMU library didn't load

{tank1} Load faild

Any ideas??

I have placed a version of the model with FMUs and config in Dropbox here:

Richard Payne

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

Which version of the COE are you using?

comment:2 by anonymous, 9 years ago

I'm using version 0.0.4

comment:3 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

Can you try with version 0.0.5?
They have changed the COE so that the dependent dlls can be loaded form the binary folder.

Kenneth sent me this a while back:
This version of the COE, and all newer is build with: LoadLibraryEx(modelIdentifierDllPath,NULL,LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);

I will also give it a try and see if it works.

comment:4 by anonymous, 9 years ago

I've tried with version 0.0.5. Both errors still occur.

comment:5 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

I've tested with coe-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar from here:
using the fmus from your Dropbox edited so that they have no <InitialUnknowns> element in ModelDescription file and it worked to simulate for me.

I used this script ( from msys2 ( using mingw64_shell.bat:

#!/bin/bash -e

echo Downloading api protocol
curl -o api.pdf http://localhost:8082/api/pdf

# create session
sessionIdJson=$(curl -s http://localhost:8082/createSession)

echo Got response $sessionIdJson

# fetch the sessionId
sessionId=`echo $sessionIdJson | cut -d ":" -f 2- | cut -d "}" -f 1`

echo Got sessionid = $sessionId

# call initialize
echo initializing
initResult=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @config.json http://localhost:8082/initialize/$sessionId)

echo Got response $initResult

# start simulation
echo simulating

simResult=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"startTime":0.0, "endTime":10.1}' http://localhost:8082/simulate/$sessionId)

echo Got response $simResult

echo Fetching result

resResult=$(curl -s http://localhost:8082/result/$sessionId)

echo Got result: $resResult

and got this result:

Downloading api protocol
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  290k    0  290k    0     0  4612k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6182k
Got response {"sessionId":73885}
Got sessionid = 73885
Got response [{"status":"Initialized","sessionId":73885,"lastExecTime":0,"avaliableLogLevels":{"{controller}.controller":[{"name":"logAll","description":null},{"name":"logError","description":null},{"name":"logFmiCall","description":null},{"name":"Protocol","description":null},{"name":"VdmOut","description":null},{"name":"VdmErr","description":null},{"name":"Error","description":null}],"{tank1}.tank1":[{"name":"logEvents","description":null},{"name":"logSingularLinearSystems","description":null},{"name":"logNonlinearSystems","description":null},{"name":"logDynamicStateSelection","description":null},{"name":"logStatusWarning","description":null},{"name":"logStatusDiscard","description":null},{"name":"logStatusError","description":null},{"name":"logStatusFatal","description":null},{"name":"logStatusPending","description":null},{"name":"logAll","description":null},{"name":"logFmi2Call","description":null}],"{tank2}.tank2":[]}}]
Got response {"status":"Finished","sessionId":73885,"lastExecTime":4306}
Fetching result
Got result: time , step-size , {controller}.controller.wt3_valve , {tank1}.tank1.Tank2OutFlow , {tank2}.tank2.level 0.0 , 0.0 , false , 0.2 , 0.0 0.05 , 0.05 , false , 0.19999999999999998 , 0.011333333333333334 0.1 , 0.05 , false , 0.20000000000000004 , 0.019333333333333334 0.15000000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.2 , 0.03133333333333334 0.2 , 0.05 , false , 0.2 , 0.04333333333333335 0.25 , 0.05 , false , 0.09760000000000008 , 0.051333333333333356 0.3 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000034 , 0.05557866666666669 0.35 , 0.05 , false , 0.10399999999999995 , 0.05708266666666669 0.39999999999999997 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.06096533333333336 0.44999999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.09600000000000009 , 0.07146666666666669 0.49999999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000048 , 0.07558400000000003 0.5499999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.0016000000000000057 , 0.07708266666666669 0.6 , 0.05 , false , 0.10239999999999999 , 0.07721066666666669 0.65 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.08301866666666669 0.7000000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.08993066666666669 0.7500000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000003 , 0.09596800000000003 0.8000000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.09705066666666669 0.8500000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.10301333333333335 0.9000000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.10993066666666668 0.9500000000000003 , 0.05 , false , 0.1232 , 0.11596800000000002 1.0000000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.1808 , 0.12080533333333335 1.0500000000000003 , 0.05 , false , 0.09600000000000006 , 0.13146133333333335 1.1000000000000003 , 0.05 , false , 0.02080000000000002 , 0.135584 1.1500000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.13708266666666669 1.2000000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.14096533333333336 1.2500000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.1514666666666667 1.3000000000000005 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000003 , 0.15558400000000003 1.3500000000000005 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.1570826666666667 1.4000000000000006 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.16096533333333338 1.4500000000000006 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.1714666666666667 1.5000000000000007 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000003 , 0.17558400000000005 1.5500000000000007 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.17708266666666672 1.6000000000000008 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.1809653333333334 1.6500000000000008 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.19146666666666673 1.7000000000000008 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000003 , 0.19558400000000006 1.7500000000000009 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.19708266666666674 1.800000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.1792 , 0.2009653333333334 1.850000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999999 , 0.21146666666666675 1.900000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.020800000000000003 , 0.21558400000000008 1.950000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000001 , 0.21708266666666676 2.000000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.17919999999999997 , 0.22096533333333343 2.0500000000000007 , 0.05 , false , 0.0959999999999997 , 0.23146666666666676 2.1000000000000005 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999694 , 0.2355840000000001 2.1500000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000134 , 0.23708266666666675 2.2 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.24096533333333345 2.25 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.25146666666666684 2.3 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.25558400000000014 2.3499999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.25708266666666674 2.3999999999999995 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.26096533333333344 2.4499999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.27146666666666686 2.499999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.27558400000000016 2.549999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.0015999999999999146 , 0.27708266666666675 2.5999999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.10240000000000139 , 0.2772106666666667 2.6499999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.28301866666666686 2.6999999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.2899306666666669 2.7499999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.2959680000000002 2.799999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.2970506666666668 2.849999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.3030133333333335 2.8999999999999977 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.3099306666666669 2.9499999999999975 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.3159680000000002 2.9999999999999973 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.3170506666666668 3.049999999999997 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.32301333333333354 3.099999999999997 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.3299306666666669 3.149999999999997 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.3359680000000002 3.1999999999999966 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.33705066666666683 3.2499999999999964 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.34301333333333356 3.2999999999999963 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.34993066666666695 3.349999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.35596800000000023 3.399999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.35705066666666685 3.4499999999999957 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.3630133333333336 3.4999999999999956 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.36993066666666696 3.5499999999999954 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.37596800000000025 3.599999999999995 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.37705066666666687 3.649999999999995 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.3830133333333336 3.699999999999995 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.389930666666667 3.7499999999999947 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.39596800000000026 3.7999999999999945 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.3970506666666669 3.8499999999999943 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.4030133333333336 3.899999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.409930666666667 3.949999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.4159680000000003 3.999999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.4170506666666669 4.049999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.42301333333333363 4.099999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.429930666666667 4.149999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.4359680000000003 4.199999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.4370506666666669 4.249999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.44301333333333365 4.299999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.44993066666666703 4.3499999999999925 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.4559680000000003 4.399999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.45705066666666694 4.449999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.46301333333333367 4.499999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.46993066666666705 4.549999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.47596800000000034 4.599999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.47746666666666693 4.6499999999999915 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.48134933333333363 4.699999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.49185066666666705 4.749999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.49596800000000035 4.799999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.49746666666666695 4.849999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.5013493333333336 4.899999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.511850666666667 4.94999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.5159680000000002 4.99999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.5174666666666669 5.04999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.5213493333333337 5.09999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.531850666666667 5.14999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.5359680000000002 5.1999999999999895 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.5374666666666669 5.249999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.5413493333333337 5.299999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.551850666666667 5.349999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.5559680000000002 5.399999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.5574666666666669 5.449999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.5613493333333337 5.4999999999999885 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.5718506666666671 5.549999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.5759680000000003 5.599999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.5774666666666669 5.649999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.5813493333333337 5.699999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.5918506666666671 5.749999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.5959680000000003 5.799999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.5974666666666669 5.849999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.6013493333333337 5.899999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.6118506666666671 5.949999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.6159680000000003 5.999999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.6174666666666669 6.0499999999999865 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.6213493333333338 6.099999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.6318506666666671 6.149999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.6359680000000003 6.199999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.637466666666667 6.249999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.6413493333333338 6.299999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.6518506666666671 6.349999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.6559680000000003 6.399999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.657466666666667 6.449999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.6613493333333338 6.499999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.6718506666666672 6.549999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.6759680000000003 6.5999999999999845 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.677466666666667 6.649999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.6813493333333338 6.699999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.6918506666666672 6.749999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.6959680000000004 6.799999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.697466666666667 6.849999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.7013493333333338 6.8999999999999835 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.7118506666666672 6.949999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.7159680000000004 6.999999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.717466666666667 7.049999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.7213493333333338 7.099999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.7318506666666672 7.149999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.7359680000000004 7.199999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.737466666666667 7.249999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.7413493333333339 7.299999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.7518506666666672 7.349999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.7559680000000004 7.399999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.7574666666666671 7.4499999999999815 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.7613493333333339 7.499999999999981 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.7718506666666672 7.549999999999981 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.7759680000000004 7.599999999999981 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.7774666666666671 7.649999999999981 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.7813493333333339 7.699999999999981 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.7918506666666673 7.7499999999999805 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.7959680000000005 7.79999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.7974666666666671 7.84999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.8013493333333339 7.89999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999873 , 0.8118506666666673 7.94999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.020799999999999323 , 0.8159680000000005 7.99999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000131 , 0.8174666666666671 8.04999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000072 , 0.8213493333333339 8.09999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.0959999999999983 , 0.8318506666666673 8.14999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999898 , 0.8359680000000005 8.199999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000262 , 0.837466666666667 8.249999999999982 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.8413493333333338 8.299999999999983 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.8518506666666673 8.349999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.8559680000000005 8.399999999999984 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.857466666666667 8.449999999999985 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.8613493333333339 8.499999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.8718506666666673 8.549999999999986 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.8759680000000005 8.599999999999987 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.8774666666666671 8.649999999999988 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.8813493333333339 8.699999999999989 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.8918506666666673 8.74999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.8959680000000005 8.79999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.8974666666666671 8.84999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.9013493333333339 8.899999999999991 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.9118506666666674 8.949999999999992 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.9159680000000006 8.999999999999993 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.9174666666666671 9.049999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.9213493333333339 9.099999999999994 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.9318506666666674 9.149999999999995 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.9359680000000006 9.199999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.9374666666666671 9.249999999999996 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.9413493333333339 9.299999999999997 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.9518506666666674 9.349999999999998 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.9559680000000006 9.399999999999999 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.9574666666666671 9.45 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.9613493333333339 9.5 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.9718506666666674 9.55 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 0.9759680000000006 9.600000000000001 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 0.9774666666666671 9.650000000000002 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 0.981349333333334 9.700000000000003 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 0.9918506666666674 9.750000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.12320000000000138 , 0.9959680000000006 9.800000000000004 , 0.05 , false , 0.1808000000000012 , 1.003269333333334 9.850000000000005 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 1.0103093333333342 9.900000000000006 , 0.05 , false , 0.02079999999999864 , 1.0163520000000006 9.950000000000006 , 0.05 , false , 0.10400000000000258 , 1.0174346666666672 10.000000000000007 , 0.05 , false , 0.17920000000000139 , 1.023397333333334 10.050000000000008 , 0.05 , false , 0.09599999999999745 , 1.0303146666666674

The COE logs are:

 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.020000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8388800000000007
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.299999999999983
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.070000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8371200000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.070000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8371200000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.349999999999984
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.100000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8331200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.100000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8331200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.399999999999984
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.075000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8448800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.075000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8448800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.449999999999985
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.070000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8588800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.070000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8588800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.499999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.120000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8571200000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.120000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8571200000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.549999999999987
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.15
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8531200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.15
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8531200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.599999999999987
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.125
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8648800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.125
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8648800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.649999999999988
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.120000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8788800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.120000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8788800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.699999999999989
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.17
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8771200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.17
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8771200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.749999999999989
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.2
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8731200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.2
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8731200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.79999999999999
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.175
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8848800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.175
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8848800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.849999999999991
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.17
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8988800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.17
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8988800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.899999999999992
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.22
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8971200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.22
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8971200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.949999999999992
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.25
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8931200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.25
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.8931200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=8.999999999999993
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.225
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9048800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.225
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9048800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.049999999999994
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.22
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9188800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.22
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9188800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.099999999999994
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.27
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9171200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.27
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9171200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.149999999999995
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.3
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9131200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.3
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9131200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.199999999999996
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.275
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9248800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.275
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9248800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.249999999999996
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.27
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9388800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.27
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9388800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.299999999999997
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.32
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9371200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.32
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9371200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.349999999999998
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.35
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9331200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.35
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9331200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.399999999999999
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.325
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9448800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.325
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9448800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.449999999999999
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.32
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9588800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.32
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9588800000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.37
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9571200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.37
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9571200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.550000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.4
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9531200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.4
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9531200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.600000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.375
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.964880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.9000000000000036
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.375
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.964880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.650000000000002
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.42
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9788800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.42
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9788800000000009
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.700000000000003
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.45
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9771200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.176000000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.45
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9771200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.750000000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.425
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9859200000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1232000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2607999999999998
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.425
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9859200000000008
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.800000000000004
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.42
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9989600000000007
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1808000000000012
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03680000000000575
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.42
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9989600000000007
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.850000000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.47
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9971200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 0.5999999999999964
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.07999999999999859
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.47
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9971200000000005
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.900000000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9931200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.02079999999999864
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.235200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.5
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 0.9931200000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=9.950000000000006
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.475
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 1.004880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1040000000000026
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = -0.09999999999999645
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = 0.2799999999999986
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.475
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 1.004880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=10.00000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.47
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 1.018880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded true
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.1792000000000014
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterEventMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2NewDiscreteStates
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: newDiscreteStatesNeeded false
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event 0
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r2# = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetDerivatives: #r3# = -0.03520000000000592
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.47
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetContinuousStates: #r1# = 1.018880000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetTime: time=10.05000000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r0# = 2.52
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2SetContinuousStates: #r1# = 1.017120000000001
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z0 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z1 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z2 = -1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetEventIndicators: z3 = 1
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2GetReal: #r6# = 0.09599999999999745
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2Terminate
 INFO [NanoHttpd Request Processor (#4)] (CoeInitialize.scala:314) - OK tank1 fmi2FreeInstance

comment:6 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

Component: *unknown*FMI
Keywords: co-simulation added
Owner: changed from somebody to Adrian Pop
Status: newaccepted

comment:7 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

I now 72f98cf7a93cdcd5b4a143d8317020ed859b06a5/OMCompiler changed OpenModelica to not output the InitialUnknowns element if is empty. It will work with the COE until we fix #3786.

comment:8 by Adrian Pop, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

I'll close this one as is working now.

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