Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#4219 closed defect (invalid)

Problems and Crashes in PowerSystems Spot

Reported by: maquevedo@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: high Milestone: 1.13.0
Component: OMEdit Version: v1.9.4-v1.9.x
Keywords: PowerSystems, Spot Cc:


I tried to use for a lot of time the power system library.
Several examples fails to run. Most of the fails appear when I try to change any element of the model or a parameter, OMC crashes and closes. The others appear when transformers are involved in the model. When I tried to run the simulation, an error message in pop-up window appears with the examples that supose to work well.
I suppose that there is a bug in the omc compiler when it try to translate the model.
I was using Spot/AC3h library.
I attach some images.

Attachments (1) (1.1 MB ) - added by Martín Roberto Quevedo <maquevedo@…> 8 years ago.

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Change History (4)

by Martín Roberto Quevedo <maquevedo@…>, 8 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Adeel Asghar, 8 years ago

If you are using 1.9.x then you need to update to 1.11.0 beta3 or 1.12.0 nightly. Several crashes are being already fixed.

The picture about a crash doesn't help. We actually need the crash report. I looked into the crash reports but didn't find any with your email.

comment:2 by Martin Sjölund, 8 years ago

The assertion seems rather annoying to crash OMEdit. It is an out of memory assertion being triggered, but perhaps it should not be fatal in this case.

It is also an old PowerSystems version. The newer version works a lot better in OM: PowerSystems.html

comment:3 by Adeel Asghar, 7 years ago

Milestone: Future1.13.0
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Closing this ticket since its invalid according to the new OpenModelica and PowerSystems versions. If you still have issues with the latest versions feel free to reopen or create a new ticket.

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