Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#5915 closed defect (invalid)

OMSens can't find the model

Reported by: the_maxtro@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.16.0
Component: OMSens Version:
Keywords: OMSens Cc:


Good Morning,
when running any tipe of optimization on OMSens, the GUI identify the parameters and the variables, runs, but show no results. in the working directory subdirectories with date and time are created according to the simulation, however results aren't available.

With the model of the bouncing ball, the omc_run_log.txt text file says:

Loading Modelica
Loading model in path /usr/OMSens/BouncingBall
Building model BouncingBall
"Error: Failed to load package BouncingBall (default) using MODELICAPATH /usr/bin/../lib/omlibrary:/home/maxtro/.openmodelica/libraries/.
Error: Class BouncingBall not found in scope <TOP>.

As if trying to import the model from the OMSens Folder. The Simulation of the Model is working outside of that

Change History (6)

comment:1 by John Tinnerholm, 5 years ago


This ticket is partly related to

I have done some investigation myself. OMSens does not really provide good feedback if it fails or not.

To quote Adeel on that ticket:

"What does the log file says? There is a python_log.txt in the working directory."

Also, which version of OMEdit are you running? Latest nightly?

Have you installed the auxiliary software for required OMSens?



Last edited 5 years ago by John Tinnerholm (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by John Tinnerholm, 5 years ago

Component: *unknown*OMEdit
Owner: changed from somebody to Adeel Asghar
Priority: highnormal

comment:3 by the_maxtro@…, 5 years ago

Mr Jhon, I'm really sorry and apologize for what happened:
this morning I updated my system (not openmodelica , I must say) and now it's working as it was a week ago.

The only part that is still not working is the third one (Vectorial Parameter Based Sensitivity Analysis) which wasn't already working when I did an assignment over a week ago.
That part has a module in python that isn't working (almost sure it has a dependence in fortran that is outdated)

In case that thing happens to anyone, I'm running a version (should be the last one on git). I don't have the python log, but I remember it had an only line complaining that couldn't open the model. Probably is best to close this ticket. My bad.

comment:4 by John Tinnerholm, 5 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Glad to hear it worked out Marco!

Closing this ticket



comment:5 by John Tinnerholm, 5 years ago

Component: OMEditOMSens

comment:6 by Francesco Casella, 5 years ago

Milestone: Future1.16.0
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