FMU of a LeadLag block fails
The attached model models a transfer function with one pole and one zero, and anti-windup limits.
It has not any special trick: it is built according to standard IEEE 421.5, rel 2016, figure E.6.
An FMU can be easily created from this in Dymola.
On the contrary, when trying to export as FMU ME 2.0, OM (1.17.0-dev-141) gives the following error message:
[3] 16:47:51 Symbolic Error
Found equation without time-dependent variables: y.SeedLSJac1 = 0.0
[4] 16:47:51 Translation Error
Internal error IndexReduction.pantelidesIndexReduction failed! System is structurally singular and cannot be handled because the number of unassigned equations is larger than the number of states. Use -d=bltdump to get more information.
[5] 16:47:51 Translation Error
Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed!
[6] 16:47:51 Translation Error
[C:/dev/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/BackEnd/ 2135:10-2135:88]: Internal error function optimizeJacobianMatrix failed
[7] 16:47:51 Translation Error
[C:/dev/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/BackEnd/ 2052:9-2052:79]: Internal error function createJacobian failed
[8] 16:47:51 Symbolic Error
A torn linear system has no symbolic jacobian and currently there are no means to solve that numerically. Please compile with the module "calculateStrongComponentJacobians" to provide symbolic jacobians for torn linear systems.
[9] 16:47:51 Translation Error
[C:/dev/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/SimCode/ 3311:9-3311:50]: Internal error function createOdeSystem failed for component torn linear Equationsystem{{{6:9}, {5:10}, {4:8}, {2:1}, {11:2}, {3:5}, {1:7}},
{7:11} Size: 1
[10] 16:47:51 Translation Error
[C:/dev/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/SimCode/ 1480:5-1480:77]: Internal error createEquationsForSystems failed
[11] 16:47:51 Translation Error
[C:/dev/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/SimCode/ 748:5-748:146]: Internal error function createSimCode failed [Transformation from optimised DAE to simulation code structure failed]
Only now I realise that the model that I try to convert into FMU has troubles with OM also as a modelica model.
So the issue is more basic than I thought. Therefore I'm going to close this ticket since is not an FMU related issue.
Maybe I'll create a new ticket approaching the issue differently.