


15:25 Ticket #1610 (Better parser error for else if error) created by sjoelund.se
Generate a helpful error-message for the following code […]


20:04 Ticket #1609 (Iterators in if-equations fails) created by perost
The follow model fails because the compiler tries to constant evaluate …


18:34 Ticket #1608 (compiler wrongly claims simple system as structurally singular) created by peterjunglas
Running the attached system testGear2 with two inertias on both sides …
12:59 Ticket #1607 (Type-check external objects?) created by sjoelund.se
https://trac.modelica.org/Modelica/ticket/577 […]
12:37 Ticket #1606 (parameter fileName in CombiTimeTable should be a short name (without ...) created by peterjunglas
Since the current directory of OMEdit can not be set from the GUI, the …


19:36 Ticket #1605 (redeclare stack overflow) created by sjoelund.se
18:49 Ticket #1604 (connection to multiplexer does not work) created by peterjunglas
If one tries to connect a constant block to one input of a multiplexer …
18:32 Ticket #1603 (Inner-Outer warnings) created by sjoelund.se
It is recommended that finding a.b.c.TI when looking for an inner TI …
17:29 Ticket #1602 (Range subscripting of parameters is not correct) created by perost
Subscripting a parameter with a range produces some weird results, …
14:23 Ticket #1601 (Boolean array dimensions) created by sjoelund.se
The following should work :) […]
13:59 Ticket #1600 (Apply MSL fixes to Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID) created by sjoelund.se
The following model will no longer flatten after I fix type-checking …


16:47 Ticket #1599 (initial values not respected in inertia-clutch model) created by peterjunglas
The attached model contains two inertias coupled by a clutch. The …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.