


17:38 Ticket #1616 (Unbound parameter warning should be output during instantiation and ...) created by perost
We currently print warnings about unbound parameters during …
16:26 Ticket #1615 (Add CREF_ITERATOR) created by sjoelund.se
This would help inc.matrix, etc for backend, code generation, lookup, …
11:33 Ticket #1614 (euler event handling messes with delay?) created by sjoelund.se
From: …


18:37 Ticket #1613 (lookupVar does not return the correct direction of variables) created by sjoelund.se
I get the direction of i=Absyn.BIDIR() when I instantiate the …
13:17 Ticket #1612 (OMEdit includes MultiBody.World Object as world1) created by peterjunglas
The World-Object has to be named "world", but the OMEditor calls it …
10:48 Ticket #1611 (TriggeredSampler with Feedback leads to Internal Error) created by peterjunglas
Running the model {{triggeredsampler1}} leads to the error {{{ Error: …


15:25 Ticket #1610 (Better parser error for else if error) created by sjoelund.se
Generate a helpful error-message for the following code […]


20:04 Ticket #1609 (Iterators in if-equations fails) created by perost
The follow model fails because the compiler tries to constant evaluate …


18:34 Ticket #1608 (compiler wrongly claims simple system as structurally singular) created by peterjunglas
Running the attached system testGear2 with two inertias on both sides …
12:59 Ticket #1607 (Type-check external objects?) created by sjoelund.se
https://trac.modelica.org/Modelica/ticket/577 […]
12:37 Ticket #1606 (parameter fileName in CombiTimeTable should be a short name (without ...) created by peterjunglas
Since the current directory of OMEdit can not be set from the GUI, the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.